The one with the fight

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Dylan, Cole, Lily and emma went for dinner.

When they were eating dinner emma leant over from dylan's left side and pressed her lips against his. He kissed her back gently before pulling away confusedly.

"What was that for?" Dylan asked her confusedly.

"It's 8:55. Happy 16th." She smiled widely at him.

Everyone laughed before resuming their dinner again.

At 9:15 everyone looked at lily.

Lily looked up when she noticed everyone's eyes on her.

"What?" She asked.

"It's 9:15." Emma told her.

"Oh." Lily flushed pink before looking over at cole. He was looked around innocently with a teasing smile on his lips. "Oh fine." She rolled her eyes and kissed him. Cole smiled against her lips as they pulled away.

"Love you." She smiled at him.

"I know." Cole smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

2 weeks later.

The twins were told about how they had to go to the neverseen for 7 months. But Forkle was giving them the choice whether or not to go.

It was 2 days after they were told this that this happened...

The twins woke up and had a great day. In the evening Dylan went into his brothers room.

"Yes?" Cole asked his brother from his desk where he was doing homework as Dylan walked into his room and collapsed onto a bean bag in his room lazily.

"So I was wondering," Dylan started, fiddling with his hands. "Are you gonna do the mission?" He asked him.

"I don't think so." Cole mumbled, not turning from his desk to look at his brother.

"Why?" Dylan looked up in alarm.

"Because- did you see those guys who beat us up? And even that lady looked stronger than them." Cole told him annoyedly, gripping his pencil hard.

"We only got hurt so badly because we weren't up for it." Dylan argued.

"It doesn't matter if we're up for it or not." Cole growled. "We don't have any training." He was bending his pencil in frustration now.

"We'll get training." Dylan told him, annoyance tinting his voice.

"That's not even the most important part!" Cole snapped his pencil in half as he whipped around angrily to face his brother. "The neverseen are gonna be more alert with who they let into their organization-because we're pulling the same trick dad did when he was around our age. They're gonna be on higher lookout."

"We're going to be fully covered, and safe. Forkle said." Dylan argued, looking up at cole from his beanbag.

"Forkle can't promise anything!" Cole exclaimed, mad. "Before we were born the neverseen kidnapped mom- and it scarred her emotionally because we can still hear dad trying to calm her crying to this day." Cole's voice broke in memory of all the nights he heard his mom waking up and crying to keefe over something that happened years ago. "Before we were born dad went to the neverseen and earned the brand we can still see on his hand if we look hard enough." Cole's voice softened to a whisper. "Before we were born the neverseen hurt Biana, Linh, tam, and fitz... mom and dad... so much." Cole's eyes became the slightest bit wet. "And don't even try to argue with me, I'm right and you better know it." Cole growled.

"You're right, you are right." Dylan snapped as he stood up to be at the same height as his brother. "You're right, I do hear mom crying to dad about her nightmares to dad about when she was kidnapped while walking by mom and dads room to the kitchen for a midnight snack." Dylan's eyes became wet with tears of pain, remembering the sounds of his mothers' sobs. "You're right. I do remember when we used to ask dad about the brand on his hand, noticing it when we stared hard enough. You're right- I do remember the pain in dads eyes when he told us the story of how he got it that stormy night, when I felt like the thunder would never stop!" Dylan yelled now, angry tears streaming down both twins' cheeks. "You're right about everything that happened. Right about everyone getting hurt. But you said yourself- before we were born." Dylan quoted his brother. "This is 16 years later, things are different."

"I don't care! I'm not going!" Cole yelled angrily at his brother.

"You have to!" Dylan yelled back. "This is always like you, act all high and mighty but always back away when it gets too dangerous!"

"I'm not risking my life and staying with a bunch of psychopaths for almost a year!" Cole shrieked.

"Well then I'm going!" Dylan shouted at him.

Cole stared at him, taken aback, watching Dylan turn around and walk away. Then anger took over and his face swole red. "You can't go!" He yelled loudly from behind his brother.

Dylan whipped around to face him. "And why not?" He asked loudly, angry.

"If I'm not going, you can't either!" Cole yelled. "Y-y-you'll die!" Cole argued.

"You don't tell me what to do." Dylan growled.

"I'm your brother!" Cole yelled angrily.

"I'm older!" Dylan shouted, stomping over to be in his brothers face.

"By minutes- we-we're twins you dumbass!"

"If I'm a dumbass so are you!"

"How the hell does that make sense?!"

"We're the same!"

"Then why are you so freaking dumb?!"

"Why are you such a geek?!"

"Why are you so ugly?!"


"Oh don't even try to-"

Just then the room door slammed open.

Sophie stood in the doorway, furious.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" She yelled at them angrily as she stomped over to them.

"Nothing." The twins answered quickly in a quiet voice.

Sophie glared at them. "I could hear your whole conversation from all the way downstairs." She said through gritted teeth.

Both of the boys shrunk backwards.

"And instead of yelling at you for everything I heard," she glared at each other then. "I will only tell both of you to apologize."

"Sorry." Dylan mumbled.

"Sorry." Cole mumbled back, looking down.

Sophie sighed. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

The boys looked at each other confusedly. "For what?" Cole asked her.

"The fight you just had was because of me telling you guys to make the decision of whether or not to go." Sophie sighed as she sat down on Cole's desk chair.

"It's okay- it wasn't your fault." Dylan put a hand on her shoulder.

"We were the immature ones." Cole told her as he put a hand on her other shoulder.

"I can't blame you two." Sophie smiled faintly. "You guys were gonna fight about this regardless of being immature or not. This is a hard decision." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

The boys stayed silent as she thought.

"And for the record, after everything I heard, Cole was right about one thing." Sophie told them.

Dylan rolled his eyes as Cole smirked smugly at him. "What was he right about?" Dylan asked his mom.

"When you said you were gonna go without him, and Cole stopped you, he was right. Either both of you go or neither of you." Sophie looked up at them from her chair. "You two are good kids, you rarely get into fights. But during things as important as this, you guys need each other." Sophie stood up and wrapped a hand around each of theirs.

The twins nodded.

"You have another week to make your decision." Sophie hugged them. "Think carefully about what you choose." She whispered.

Sencen twins (COMPLETED!!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon