The one with the ring

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Dylan's pov

Emma's 3 months pregnant now. Her hormones just got worse and worse. I think she might murder me before the baby comes. I don't think I'll even get to meet my son or daughter at this point. Emma's hormones are making her crazy.

She'll just divorce me the next time she gets too upset at this point.

Right now it was 12:43pm. The whole house was dark. She and I were sitting in our living room. She was sitting beside me, her body leaning on mine. She was wearing a shirt of mine that went down to her thighs with only a bottom garment underneath.

We were kissing softly in the dark, the fireplace cackling brightly across the room. She was sitting to the right of me, her right hand under my shirt and rubbing my left side with her soft hand. Her left hand was on my cheek, holding my face gently. I hand a hand between her thighs, gripping gently. My other hand was on her neck as we kissed.

As we kissed deeply loud kissing noises escaped our lips frequently. She ran her hand higher up my side from under my shirt, pressing it to my chest.

I realized that I didn't feel her wedding ring pressing against my chest or against my cheek with the hand she had on my face.

I pulled my lips away, confused. She gave me a strange look, wondering why I stopped. I looked down, reaching up my shirt to take her right hand. I brought her hand into my view, holding it so I could see her fingers clearly.

She wasn't wearing her wedding ring.

We haven't ever taken our rings off in almost 7 years, why wasn't she wearing it now?

"Where's your ring?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow as I bore my dark ice blue into her gorgeous teal and baby blue mixed ones.

Her eyes went wide and she flushed pink, looking away.

"Don't tell me you got hormonal and threw it down the garbage disposal or something." I groaned as she bit her lip.

"I didn't." She snapped as she snatched her hand away.

"Then why aren't you wearing it? Where is it?" I growled as I looked down at her since I was taller.

"You see baby, here's the thing..." she chuckled nervously and I glared now. "You're gonna think this is hilarious..." she trailed off, looking at my murderous face. "... at least one day you will..." she mumbled, looking away.

Since I was an empath I felt her feel ashamed and scared to tell me her secret. I immediately knew something was wrong.

"Emma sencen- I swear- where the hell is that ring?" I snarled, gripping her thigh harder and she cringed.

"I kinda, sorta... lost it?" She whimpered, looking down.

My eyes went wide. That ring was one of the most expensive rings in the whole Lost Cities. There's only 4 of them ever made. Alden proposed to Della, Lily's grandmother, with one. My dad's mother's mother has one. A former councilor has one. Emma had the last one ever made.

"You what?!" I hissed, glaring daggers at her now.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know how!" She exclaimed. "One minute I was wearing it and then Cole asked why I wasn't wearing it when we were hanging out and he kept teasing me and asked if that meant I got a restraining order against you or something and then when I saw it was missing I freaked out but I couldn't find it I looked everywhere I promise to you and it's literally gone it's not in the house it's not at Lily's place it's not at my parents house or your parents house or aunt linhs house..." she took a deep breath, tears streaming down her face as she rambled. "and now it's goneeeee!!!" She wailed, crying hysterically now.

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