The one with the kiss

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Sophie jogged up the stairs and walked down the soft carpeted hall. She walked past the double doors to her room and went to the next door beside it. She walked into her bathroom and glanced at it, making sure it was clean. There was a sink against the back wall of the room with marble counter space on either side of it. There was a large, crystal clear, glass mirror above the sink. There was a door to a small toilet room to the right of the sink. To the left was a door that led into Sophie's room. To the front of the bathroom, to the right of Sophie who was standing in the door way across from the sink, was a glass stand up shower. It was all marble and glass with a clean white bottom. To the left of Sophie was a white bathtub with marble tiles above the edges on the wall. In the middle of the huge bathroom was a round carpet.

She walked across it to the stand up shower. She opened the glass door and reached into the shower to tune it on to warm. She closed the door, letting the water run so it could heat up. Sophie walked on the cold marble floor back to the plush carpet. She took off her shirt and leggings, staying in her undergarments as she went to a small table next to her shower and turned on a music device dec made her. She started playing a song called "This Love." By Maroon 5. She hummed along as she looked over to her shower to see steam rising.

Sophie strode over to her shower and stepped in gracefully. She stood in the hot water, letting it warm her skin up. She sang along in the shower loudly.

Then she tuned out her music after a while a thought a little bit. Sophie did a lot of deep thinking in the shower. She thought about her and keefe's kiss. She thought about how hot he looked shirtless during the pillow fight, even though she tried to push that picture out of her mind.

Sophie started singing again for almost 5 minutes after thinking and then finished her shower. When she turned off her water she was still singing. She wrapped a towel around herself as she sang "Nevermind" By Dennis Lloyd. She brushed her hair and walked to the door in her bathroom. There was one that led to the hallway outside. But she went to the other door that led to her bathroom. As she neared the door, still singing she heard another voice singing along with hers. She stopped singing all of a sudden and the other voice stopped too.

Sophie glanced around her bathroom to see if anyone was there. She started singing again and she heard the voice again. She stopped and the voice stopped again. She yanked open the door that leads to her room and looked around her room.

"Hey." A voice said from the right of her.

She screamed loudly. And the voice laughed. She instantly recognized her best guy friends' laugh.

Sophie clutched her heart as she looked at Keefe sitting on the floor, back against the wall and knees to his chest.

"You scared me!" Sophie exclaimed as she walked into her room. "My heart was racing so fast Keefe!" She grumbled as she went to her dresser to get her hair brush.

"Sorry." Keefe mumbled as he stood up.

"It's fine." Sophie smiled softly.

She stood in front of her mirror and brushed her hair. Keefe walked to stand a few feet behind her to the left. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched her with furrowed eyebrows.

Sophie was watching her hair as she brushed it. Then she glanced to the left in her mirror to look at Keefe behind her. He was looking at the ground, thinking of something. She studied his serious expression and furrowed eyebrows. That was rare from him.

"Is something wrong?" Sophie asked as she finished brushing her hair and put lotion on her face.

"No. Well- uh yea. But no." Keefe stuttered, still not looking at her.

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