The one where he found out

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Dylan's pov

Emma obeyed my request, passing out immediately. The lights were dim in the hospital room as we still were on the hospital bed. I was slouching against all the pillows behind me, almost laying down. Emma was laying beside me in her new hospital gown. She had her arms wrapped around my waist from under my shirt. She was laying on her side facing towards me, her head on my chest. I had an arm around her waist as my eyes watched her. She had been sleeping for the last 15 minutes. I knew she was exhausted because she was snoring softly and she only did that when she was absolutely very tired.

I felt my eyelids drooping and let them.

I felt shaking. I opened my eyes begrudging to see who was holding my arm, shaking me. I sucked in a breath when I saw emma up close in my face.

We stared at each other for a spilt second.

"So you are alive." She grinned at me.

"Go back to sleep" I groaned as I tightened my grip on her waist, pulling her body to lay down and press against mine.

"I want to see our baby." She whined as I put my head on her chest, resting it there as I closed my eyes. "And where is he... or she?" Her voice asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Right here." I heard a nurses voice say before hearing a door closed shut.

I opened my eyes, and Emma and I watched the nurse walk in with a baby pink bundle of blanket. She walked over to our bed, standing on Emma's side.

"Congratulations. You both have created a beautiful, healthy baby girl." She smiled at us.

She handed emma the baby. I was still slouching against the pillows. So as emma cradled the baby to her chest, I picked her up and set her down between my legs. It was her favorite way to sit with me, so she snuggled closer. She leant her head on my chest again, still holding our new baby. I wrapped my arms loosely around her waist from behind.

We stared down at our new daughter in awe. She had Emma's teal eyes and my gold flecks. Her hair was a shade of brown between Emma's dark brown and my light brown. It was the perfect honey brown color, a bit on Emma's dark side. She had Emma's plump lips and my round cheeks from when I was a baby.

I heard emma sniffle so I put my chin on her shoulder from behind, putting my hands on her upper arms and rubbing gently.

She started crying harder, turning to look at me. I held her face in my hands gently.

"What's wrong love?" I whispered, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered, silent tears streaming onto my lips as I kissed her cheek again.

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"The baby. Without our mistake that night, without you..." she whispered, looking back at our daughter. "I wouldn't have been able to create Rose for us." She sniffled with a smile.

I kissed her forehead. "Her name's Rosalie?" I asked, rubbing her arms gently still.

She nodded. "For you." She smiled at me.

I leant down and our eyes fluttered shut. Her lips attacked mine roughly, kissing me hard. She was holding Rosalie, so she couldn't hold me like she wanted to. I ran my hands up her body, feeling every beautiful dip and curve under my fingers. I put my hands at the sides of her chest, holding her as we kissed.

She pulled away, needing to breathe.

"I love you." I mumbled in her ear before kissing the hollow dip behind it.

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