The one where keefe is a liability

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Over the next few weeks tam and Biana get closer. Now officially dating. Keefe and Sophie's relationship is going great.

Linh and fitz went on a date today. It's November and it's finally autum.

Linh and fitz went back to Everglen after the date.

Linh went to biana's room where she was waiting for date details like she did when tam and Biana went on their first date.

Fitz went to hang out with keefe and tam.

Linh told them everything. It was wonderful.

"So are you guys dating?" Sophie asked her excitedly.

Sophie was wearing a fuzzy, baby blue, loose jacket (like the ones emma chamberlain wears) with a white tank top underneath. She was wearing matching shorts. She had on the lightest natural makeup. Only consisting of mascara and clear sparkly lipgloss. Her hair was in a cute messy bun with a baby blue scrunchie.

"Not...really?" Linh said, questioning herself.

Linh was wearing a cute baggy sweatshirt with shorts. Her makeup was the same as Sophie's. Her hair flipped to the right side, full of volume and a bit wavy. Her hair went from black to silver smoothly.

"What?! Why not?" Biana exclaimed.

Biana was wearing a crop too sweatshirt with shorts. Her hair was messily tied in a cute high ponytail.

"I dunnoooo." Linh sighed.

"But you guys will date eventually, right?" Sophie asked her worriedly.

"Of course. Maybe even in a few days." Linh told her re-assuringly.

"Oh thank god." Biana sighed as she collapsed onto the bed.

Over another few weeks Linh and fitz started dating.

Fitz and Linh were sitting in a field of flowers. It was just them. Peacefully sitting quietly. There was nobody there. The flower fields went on for miles and miles. They were sitting in the grass, side by side. They were staring up at the beautiful stars, glinting down at them.

"You look amazing." Fitz smiled at her softly.

"Oh." She said softly. "Thank you." She blushed delicately.

They stared at each other smiling faintly.

Fitz started to lean forward. Linh also leant forward. When they were close enough Fitz leant forward and pressed his lips onto her luscious ones. She sucked in a breath before kissing back. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in.

As they kissed she moved to sit on his lap facing him.

They pulled apart a minute later slowly.

"Wow." Linh breathed. "That was...amazing."

"Not my first time." Fitz smirked.

"Me neither." She breathed hotly in his cheek before kissing him again.

The next day

All of them decided to have a sleepover at Sophie's house.

"Do you know when the guys are coming?" Linh asked the girls.

Biana, Sophie, and Linh have been hanging out the entire day together. Instead of them going home after dinner she told them to sleepover. And they decided to call the boys over.

"Few minutes?" Sophie guessed.

biana and Linh were sitting on Sophie bed with her for about ten minutes before Keefe showed up.

Sencen twins (COMPLETED!!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon