The Future Moxley

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Carla:* looking around her parents room and goes into the closet and see the box that say +JON MOXLEY + in big letters*"perfect!" Lily:" carla come on sweetie you don't want to be late for your first wrestling match ! Carla:" I will be down soon mom!*opens the box up and takes out her dad jacket and puts it in her wrestling bag and closed the box up again and puts it away and grabs the box that says her father old ring name × DEAN AMBROSE x opens it and takes his belt and his white and black hand tapes an puts it in her wrestling bag and closed up the box way and grabs her mother box that says ^ LILY NIGHT/MOXLEY ^ opens it and takes her mom's wrestling boots and her famous bat with barbwire around it and puts it in wrestling bag an closed her wrestling bag and closed the box and puts it way and gets up and closed the closet door and runs downstairs and outside and gets into the car with her parents and her siblings * Lily:" you ready for your first wrestling match on Monday night raw?*as Jon starts driving and looks out the window *Carla:" yes I am mom" Jon:" good everyone is going to be there your grandparents, your uncles and aunts are going to see you and your bestfriend from school and your boyfriend is going to be there make us proud" Carla:" you know that I will dad"[her whole family was there to see her first wrestling match and let's just say that Jon became a very proud dad ]


a wrestler and his water lilie Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat