goodbye Jon Moxley

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^ after jon pined his opponent he was officially done with wrestling and goes backstage and hugs his wife * Jon:" lily we should go by our real last name Jon and Lily Good" lily:" yeah we should because I know that you are done with wrestling" Jon:" yeah let's go home" lily:" yeah"<time skip to where they got home> Jon:* putting all of his old wrestling gear away and puts his jacket away and tapes it up and puts the box next to his Dean Ambrose box and lily box *Lily:" jon are you alright?" Jon:" yes I am babe I'm just putting stuff away" lily:" okay honey I will be downstairs making dinner your favorite"* walks out of the room and closed the door and goes downstairs* Jon:hmm*looks at his box*" you did the best that you can do good bye jon moxley" *gets up and closed the closet door and goes downstairs and having dinner with his wife and four children*^ Jon got a new job as a cop and he is happy with his wife and kids they are no longer the moxley family but the good family ^

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