growth up Ryan

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Jon:"I can't believe it he is one years old" Lily:"me too I can't believe it" Ren:"he is growing up like me and mika" Mika:"yeah he is growing up" Ryan:*smiles* Ren and Mika:"we love you ryan" Ryan:*smiles and giggles*
/time skip until he is two years old/ Rosy:"he is walking and talking already I remember him when he was just a little baby but now looking at him he is growing up" Erica:"he is big lily and like I said I am sorry that I haven't been visiting you my work is really hard on me that I can't come by and see my family and I am sorry for that I am the top surgeon at the hospital so a lot of patients who are going to get surgery done they trust me to do their surgery because I am the top surgeon at the hospital but it's nice to be able to have coffee with my three sisters and my sister in-law" Melody:"lily your son is trying to teach ollie how to walk that is so cute" Milly:"Nessa she is so grown up but me and my husband love her to death" Lily:*smiles* Ryan:"hi ma!"* is getting a piggyback ride from his brother" lily:"hi Ryan"*sees Mika running to her* Mika:"mom!dad!she is back she is home!" Jon:"calm down mika take a deep breath" Mika:*takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out* Lily:"who is back?" Mika:"Carla!" Jon and Lily:*eyes widened as they see her" Carla:"hi mom hi dad"*hugs them both*Jon and lily:*they both hugs her then they let her go and they smile*Carla:*grabs ryan*"hello ryan I am your big sister I'm carla nice to meet you" Ryan:"big sister"hugs her * Ren and Mika:*both hugs her*/time skip to when Ryan is three years old/
Carla:"you ready to go to preschool?" Ryan:"yes" Jon:"you are not scared?"
Carla:"I don't think so dad"*smiles at him*Ryan:"nope me not scared me excited to go to preschool!"[after carla came home to visit her family and she told them why she left and after they ate dinner as a family they were watching their big sister/daughter nxt matches and Ryan was happy that he is family is now perfect]

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