baby Ryan

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Jon:" I got the perfect name for him Ryan levi Moxley" lily:"yes that is beautiful" Ren:"he has grandfather first name as his middle name?"  Lily:"yes he does" Mika:"I like it he is so small and cute" Jon:"yes he is" Ren:"he looks more like dad than you mom" Lily:"that's okay sweetie I still love him,you ,mika and carla no matter who you look like more" Eren:*comes in with levi" hello lily" Lily:*looks up at her parents *"hi dad hello father" Levi:"three things that I wanted to say first of all my lovey daughter congratulations on a baby boy,second sorry we didn't make it to see the twins we were on a trip when they were born,and third of all we hear about carla just give her some time to come around" Eren:"your father is right oh and you know your siblings with their life and work that they couldn't come and see the twins when they were born and they can't comes see the new baby because of work" Lily:"I know dad I just saw rosy when I had the twins and now Ryan because she is the baby doctor erica I don't see her as much I haven't seen my twin brothers,or my older brother in a long time I saw Milly last month her and her husband are doing good so yeah" Levi:"well Edward has moved in with his husband James and they both moved to  South Korea to start their new life out there,Oliver and his wife just had their second baby and dante I am not sure about him we haven't heard or seen him in along time no ones where he went" lily:"oh wow so no one knows where my big brother is well I hope that he is safe and well" Jon:"well the baby boy name is Ryan Levi Moxley"*
Eren:"aww that is so sweet I have a grandson with a name that is short of my name and now our second grandson has levi name for a middle name" Levi:" we have three grandsons we have Ren and Ryan from Lily an Jon then we have Ollie from Oliver and Melody and then we have five granddaughters Carla and Mika who are your girls Olivia and Ellie from Oliver and we have Vanessa or Nessa from Milly so that would be seven grandkids that we have in total" lily:*smiles* ( the family spend time together with new baby in the family)

a wrestler and his water lilie Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin