talking to Jon

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Lily:" okay that's it I am going to text him " Milly:* looks at her * " well go for it sis " Lily:" I will "*texts him saying *'hi Jon I am your biggest fan ever and I you are the reason why I started to wrestling i am in a wrestling company called czw and I have been practicing your move which was known as the dirty dees but now it's know as the death rider '*sends it to him * lily:" oh my goodness he messges me back "* reads it * Jon:' that is so cool that you are my biggest fan and you are my friend sister lily right?  I like that name reminds me of my favorite flower water lilie ' lily:*looks at her phone and screams * "oh my goodness he answers me I love the nickname have gave me water lilie "*smiles and texting him and playing his them song  in the back round* Jon:'tell me about yourself ' Lily:'well I am a twin sister,  I have really light hair ,I was born with purple eyes, I am strong and brave that I can protect myself,  I go to school with my sister and my two older brothers I always wanted a pet bunny a white bunny so I can name it snowflake and um I am wrestling '*sends to him and he texts her back * Jon:'you are a very sweet girl and I was wondering lily if you would like to go on a date with me this weekend?'Lily:*reads it and screams really loud and texts him back * Lily:'yes I would love to go out on a date with you this weekend!'*texts her back *Jon:'great so I will pick you up at 6 PM so we can go eat and walks around the park sounds good?' Lily:*texts back *'yes that's sounds good ' lily: " I am going on a date this weekend i need something to wear I need my big sisters help *texts them *

a wrestler and his water lilie Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora