It's Twins

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Doctor Vasque" well Mrs. Good you are pregnant with twins a boy and girl " lily: *eyes widen and smiles *" oh my goodness twins a boy and a girl I have to tell my husband thank you " Doctor Vasque :" your very welcome Mrs. Good " lily:"please call me Mrs. Moxly " doctor Vasque:"have a good day Mrs. Moxley" Lily:*gets in her purple car and drives home and gets home * Jon:"welcome home babe"*kisses her cheek* Carla:"welcome home mom" Lily:*smiles* Jon:"how was your apartment?" Carla:"yeah mom" Lily:"well I am pregnant with twins!" Carla:"two babies!"Jon:"twins!oh my goodness" Lily:*is on the phone with her parents*"yes dad I am telling the truth doctor Vasque said that I am pregnant with twins well twins do run in our family you got Edward and Oliver and Me and Milly yes I will call and let her know and the rest of my siblings about me being pregnant with twin babies yes dad tell father that I said hi and that I love him alright dad I love you too alright dad bye"*hangs up * Carla:"dad is making dinner our favorite dinner" Lily:"you are making our favorite rainbow pasta" Jon:"yes babe" Carla:* hugs her mom* Lily:*hugs her back and pets with her hair* Jon:"dinner is ready!" Carla:"lets go eat mom" Lily:"yes let's go"<they sat down and ate dinner and after they ate dinner they sat down and watched another Disney movie jon and lily on the couch and carla and her dog blue on a blanket on the floor>

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