pregnant for the third time

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Lily:*smiles* Jon:" let me guess it's positive?" Lily:"yes it's positive!we are going to have another baby! I am so happy!"Jon:*smiles and picks her up* "yes! I am happy too babe!" Ren:"I'm going to be a big brother!" Mika"and I am going to be a big sister!" Lily:"yes you two are going to be a big brother and a big sister!*grabs her phone and calls her parents*"hi dad it happened again I'm pregnant!"*giggles*" I know dad I think one baby this time I am not sure yet I just found out today yes dad alright love you and father okay  I love you bye dad" Jon:*smiles and messges carla telling her that she is having another sibling* Ren:*hugging his sister*"I am so happy to finally be a big brother" Mika:"I am so happy to be a big sister!" Lily:*puts her phone away after talking to her parents and looks at her husband*"Jon babe is everything alright?" Jon:*looks at her and lies*"yeah every is alright carla is happy that we are having another baby in the family" Lily:"that's good" <but little did lily knows that jon lied to her because carla was not happy about a baby she was mad and she said a lot of bad things about them in a text message but jon didn't want to mess up the celebration of his wife being pregnant with another baby> Mika:"can we watch a Disney movie?" Ren:"yeah can we watch a Disney movie?" Lily:"sure why not your baby brother or sister will love Disney movies like you two" Jon:*puts on the little mermaid*<they spend the rest of the day watching Disney movies and they went out to eat pizza to celebrate of lily/mom being pregnant with a baby>

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