Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

       I woke with a smile and glanced beside me, making my smile leave. Will was gone and my clothes laid in a heap on the floor. I blushed as I gathered them and went into the bathroom, where I bathed quickly before slipping into a pale yellow dress. It fit snuggly as I pulled it up and laced the front. It was sleeveless; so I pulled on some satin-white gloves that went higher than my elbows. I bent over as I strapped on some four inch heels; then I walked swiftly out the door with my hair flowing down my back.

       “Princess Sapphire, may I escort you somewhere?” Guard James inquired with a quick bow.

       “Where is Guard Oaks?” I asked as I glanced around, but it was only James with his redish brown hair.

       “Went to bed, my princess. He was up all night guarding you in your room,” James answered swiftly as he stared me in the eyes.

       “O right,” I muttered quickly, looking away; then I turned back to Jams’ expected gaze. “To the dining hall please.” He hooked my arm and we quickly hurried down the halls; but when we reached our destination, no one was there. “Odd. You don’t perhaps know where the kitchens might be?”

       “I do, Princess,” James answered quickly before leading me across the diningroom and through another door. “Here.” People ran by carrying pots and pans. Chefs were creating masterpieces over a wood stove.

       “Thank you,” I muttered before all eyes stopped on me. “Um…I’m hungry…you don’t perhaps have something I can eat?” I said as my eyes wandered till they landed on the head chef.

       “Of course. Quickly someone fetch the princess some oatmeal with blueberries!” order the main chef as he banged on a pot with his ladle.

       Swiftly a maid placed a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal topped with juicy blueberries on a counter top. Steam rose from the bowl as she held out a spoon. “Thank you,” I said before I dipped my spoon in and ate it slowly. I pushed the bowl away after I had well cleaned it. I nodded towards the chef then I walked back to my room with James behind me.

       I stopped outside my bedroom and glanced at James. “Anything I can do for you?” he asked as he opened the door.

       “Nothing,” I said quickly as I took a step; then I glanced back at him. “Actually could you go get William Oaks for me?”

       “But he is off duty, my princess,” James protested as his eyes grew big and wary.

       “Go get me William; then forget that I asked you to, James,” I ordered as I put my hands on my hips, staring him straight into his chocolate brown eyes.

       “I will go get William; then forget,” he mumbled, his eyes glazed over. He turned on his heel and marched away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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