Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       I slipped off my bed and rushed into my huge bathroom. There was a giant tub, big enough to lay down in; plus, there was running water from above, making it feel like rain. I pulled my nightgown over my head and slipped out of my underclothes before stepping under the water. It was cold as I used a lye bar to wash.

       I used a soft towel from beside the bath and quickly rubbed myself dry. I wrapped the towel around me before pulling on the servant rope. I heard a bell go off; then a young girl, no more than fifteen hurried in. “Fetch me some good pants and a shirt,” I ordered quickly as I squeezed the water from my hair.

       “But Princess…that’s not fitting of your rank…” the servant girl cried as she stared at me.

       “What’s your name?” I inquired angrily, strolling toward her.

       “Mara, madam,” she muttered with a curtsy.

       “I decide what is fitting, Mara. Not you,” I told nastily as I stomped my foot.

       “You always deice the most fitting. My judgment is unworthy,” Mara said slowly as she burrowed her brow. “I shall fetch you some pants and a shirt.” She rushed off to do as I ordered with that.

       I sank to my knees, crying. My power was horrible and I had just used it on an innocent girl, younger than my sister. I gathered myself together and slipped on my under-clothes. I heard the door open and glanced to see the smiling girl, unaware of what I had done to her. “Thank you, Mara,” I said sweetly as I took the clothes from her. “Wait here and you can do my hair in a minute.” I stood and tugged the pants on, enjoying the feel before slipping on a button shirt.

       I sat down onto a chair and handed her the brush. She slowly pulled it through my hair, undoing the tangles. “Lovely hair, my princess. How would you like it done?” she asked in barely a whisper.

       “Can you braid?” I replied, staring at my hands.

       “Of course madam,” she cheered and I felt her fingers quickly working. “May I ask you a question, madam?”

       “Go ahead,” I sighed, trying not to slump from boredom.

       “Do you like Guard William?” she inquired as she tugged a little.

       “Why would it matter?” I moaned as she yanked my head back. “Careful.”

       “Sorry madam. I just thought since he liked you that you might…well…you know…” she began as she tied a ribbon at the button. “All done, Princess Sapphire.”

       “Even if I did, it wouldn’t work. Now you should go get to work,” I said as I stood and stretched.

       “I should get to work, madam,” she repeated before walking to the door. “Happy birthday!” she cheered as she walked through and I smiled; then I cursed myself.

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