Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

       After a sleepless night, I refused to get up in the morning. I used my power to send mails and servants without complaints. My sister checked on me and pretty much confirmed what I already knew. I was plain out exhausted.

       I pulled the covers up to my chin and beat at my pillow before finally relaxing again; but sleep alluded me as if mocking me. I tossed and turned a few minutes before deciding that it was hot. I slipped off the bed and slid to the dresser before finding my slip and switching it for my silk pj’s. The slip was airy and bega feeling better; so I crawled back onto my bed.

       I closed my eyes and breathed slowly, thinking sleep would finally bless me with its presence; but then someone had to knock on my door. “Come in,” I yelled unhappily as I sat up, holding a sheet over me.

       “Sapi, I heard that you are unwell,” Will explained after he entered and closed the door behind him. Oddly he wasn’t in his guard uniform, but a simple white shirt and plain brown trousers.

       “Just tired. Been having nightmares,’ I sighed as he slowly walked to the end, his training making his steps silent.

       “That’s it? What are they about?” he inquired as he sat down on the edge and glanced at me. His smiled seemed sad as he peered at the dark circles under my eyes. I wanted so bad to make him happy, but I didn’t know how.

       “Peter. The wedding. My curse,” I moaned as I fell back, my hair spread out wildly around me. “My entire life is a living nightmare.”

       “Oh Sapi. I can fix it, but it means leaving everything and running away,” he explained as he stared away.

       I crawled up to rest beside him, leaning against his shoulder and allowing his warmth sink into my cold skin. “You know why I can’t, no matter how much it would please me,” I said as I laid my head against him.

       “I know the kingdom depends on you! Don’t you think I wouldn’t be missed too? Come on Sapi, think of what it would mean for you. Freedom to do or be anything. To be with anyone you love,” he snapped as he stood and I slipped, but he caught my arm to steady me. “Don’t you know how much I love you, Sapi?”

       “Will, I love you too,” I whispered as I stared into his brown eyes and saw a deep need. “But I can’t just leave. My parents are counting on me.” He grabbed my other hand and squeezed both gentely. His touch sent sparks up my arm, while making my heart flutter.

       “Forget them for a moment and think about yourself. What do you want? Cause as soon as we escape here, I will give you whatever your heart desires,” he whispered with his lips brushing my ear as he pushed me backward; so I laid on the bed, head barely on the pillows and him on top of me.

       “To be happy,” I said quietly as I relaxed.

       “And what would make you happy?” he asked as out noses touched and we breathed in unison.

       “You,” I sighed as I reached up and pulled him down on me. My lips meshing with his slowly then quickly. He pressed back, more urgent with each kiss. He tasted like sugar and honey, while smelling sweet like a evergreen forest. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to be with him forever. Kiss after kiss after kiss passed with each one being better than the last. I yanked on his shirt, tugging till the buttons popped and his bare chest showed. He pulled my slip, making it rip along with anything underneath. I tugged on his pants till he totally squashed me.

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