Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

       Weary and butt sore is how the trip ended as Ruby and I slowly exited the carriage. I stretched my legs quickly and dusted my dress off before walking ahead of my sister and climbing the stairs. Will and Guard James followed behind, their hands resting on their sword hilts as we entered the castle. They kept a wary eye as we stopped in the main hall.

       “Princess Sapphire, please follow me,” a servant told before starting down a dark hallway. I nodded at my sister and we began following. “Not her,” he told as he pointed at my sis.

       “She comes,” I said, urging my power into my voice. He stared at me strangely for a minute as his eyes glossed over; then he nodded and headed toward our goal again. He turned right and opened a white door before motioning for us to enter. “Thank you.” The servant’s eyes unglossed as he left and I glanced at my sister, who was angrily staring at me. “What? I had to!”

       “And now you are doing it without names! What next? No words?” Ruby exclaimed as she stomped over to the dresser and gripped the edge before turning her face toward me. Tears had made her make-up run and her eyes were pink already. “Sapphire, you can not blow this! Think what this means for father! The people! For Gemina! For us!”

       “I know…I’m sorry,” I cried  as I looked away. Sometimes I wondered who actually was the older sibling. She was defiantly more mature and more princess like. “Look Ruby…if we don’t fix this soon; then we will be in bigger trouble…” I held out my right wrist, showing the plaster worn down.

       “Fine,” she hissed as she reached into my bag and pulled out her supplies; then she grabbed my wrist and yanked me toward the bathroom, supplies in hand. “Strip and shower fast,” she ordered as she placed the stuff onto the counter before leaving me alone.

       I unlatched my dress and let it slip down before removing my underclothes and wrap; then I hopped under the hot water. It was nice to feel the dirt roll off and I slowly rubbed the plaster goo off. I wasn’t exactly sure what Ruby called it, but I still scratched it off before climbing out from under the waterfall. I dried off and put my underclothes back on before yelling, “Ruby!”

       “I was coming, you know,” she grumbled as she tossed me a light blue dress with short sleeves and ribbon tie. I slipped my wrap on and dropped my dress over my head. She tied the back quickly into a bow before smiling at me. “Beautiful. Now your mark.” She opened the jar and smeared pink goo all the way up to my elbow; then she washed her hands before skillfully etching the mark. “There.”

       “Thank you, Ruby…for everything,” I said slowly as we walked into the bedroom and I sorted through my jewelry, picking out what to wear with this dress.

       “It’s my job,” she muttered as her cheeks turned red. “Now hurry up. Your prince is waiting.”

       “Right…” I groaned as I slipped my slippers on. “See you later, okay?” She nodded before I slipped out of my bedroom.

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