Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

       Sweat dripped down my forehead as I woke screaming from another nightmare. I heard the door open and closed; then I felt someone rubbing my back. “Ruby?” I groaned as I flipped over to see who had come.

       “No,” he chuckled as he climbed into bed beside me.

       “Will? What are you doing here?” I whispered as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.

       “It’s my shift and I heard your screaming; so I thought I should check it out,” he told as his face moved closer and kissed my forehead.

       “So that’s why you are lying in my bed?” I questioned as his arm slipped under my head and lovingly pulled me nearer still.

       “To make sure that you stay okay, my princess,” he answered as he pecked my nose. “I love you, Sapi.”

       He kissed my lips teasingly before pulling slightly back. “I love you too,” I said before I pressed my lips against his quickly. “Stay here please?”

       “Sure, but I have to leave in the morning,” he promised as he wrapped his other arm around me.

       “As long as you kiss me again,” I whispered as my hand moved to the back of his neck and pulled him onto me.

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