Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       A hour later I was still shocked at what had happened. I had gathered more suitable clothing before waiting for time for dinner. Will had left without a shirt; so he could get into his guard uniform before his shift, but his face was being swallowed by a huge smile.

       I bent over to straightened my royal blue gown, while being careful not to lose my tiara. Standing tall, I opened the door and pasted a smile across my face. A guard walked toward me and my grin changed from faked to real. “William,” I said as I stepped forward and he bowed.

       “My princess,” he replied, huge smile still decorating his handsome face. “I have come to escort you to dinner and may I say that you look gorgeous tonight.” He held out his arm, while his eyes sparkled.

       “You may,” I giggled as I hooked his arm, feeling his muscles more easily. “Lead on.” He swiftly pulled me out of my room, down the hall, turned this way and that, and reached the dining room finally. “Thank you,” I whispered before going over to my spot next to Peter.

       “Feeling better, my sweet?” Peter asked as he glanced at me, taking in my outfit. “What a darling dress you have there.” His arm slipped around me, pulling my chair even closer.

       “Much better,” I answered as I shrugged him away. “What is this?” I questioned as I spooned at the dish before me that oddly didn’t resemble anything.

       “Venison stew,” he replied as he pushed my spoon to my lips. I sipped it and smiled nicely, trying not to gag. “Good right?”

       “Yes, but I’m still feeling a bit queasy and rather not eat,” I lied as I placed my spoon on the table. I fold my hands in my lap and stared at the door, where I could barely make out Will’s still form.

       “Have some wine, my dear. It will please your stomach,” Peter told as he filled my goblet with cherry red wine.

       “No thanks, but you go right ahead,” I muttered as I held out the wine to him.

       “You sure? I thought you hated me drinking,” he mumbled as his eyes glazed over and I could feel power itching to release.

       “Just go ahead,” I groaned as I pushed my chair back. “I’m heading to my room.” I stood and walked slowly to the door. I nodded to Will, who opened the door and I wasily strolled through.

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