Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

       “Princess Sapphire, time to wake up,” a servant ordered as she began to set out my clothes.

       “Five more minutes,” I pleaded, turning over and pulling the silk cover higher.

       “Now Princess, your mother expects you up soon,” the servant told, yanking my blanket.

       I tugged back and snapped in an odd voice, “It’s too early. Give me five more minutes, Helena!” I finally remembered the old maid’s name.

       “I’m sorry my Princess, it’s seems I have woken you five minutes early. Sleep well,” the servant replied puzzled before walking out.

       I bolted to sitting as the door closed, hair failing everywhere. I pulled up the sleeve of my nightgown and screamed. Will and another guard rushed in and I dropped my sleeve. “I’m fine. Sorry. Go onto your business,” I commanded, trying to keep my voice steady; but I couldn’t keep my eyes from darting to my wrist.

       “Yes Princess,” the one guard said before bowing and leaving.

       “Sapi, are you sure everything is all right? You can tell me anything,” Will told as he walked over to the edge of the bed. “May I sit?” he asked calmly and I nodded. “So why you scream, Sapi?”

       “My power…” I started, sobbing. I pulled up the sleeve to reveal the crescent moon mark. “I’m a…” I couldn’t say it. It was the most feared of all six powers.

       “Influx,” he gasped, gently holding my wrist. “Oh Sapi; I’m so sorry. I know how much you wanted to be a Warrior,” he said slowly, taking my hand in his. He used his thumb to rub the back of my hand in a circular movement.

       “How will I tell my parents?” I cried as he let go of my hand and put his arm around me. “I’m evil. I will be banished.”

       “Your parents won’t banish you. You are Princess Sapphire. The crown jewel of the kingdom,” he laughed before kissing my cheek and sliding off the bed. “Now Sapi, get dress and I will wait for you outside; then we can walk to your parents together.” He bowed quickly with a huge smile before leaving.

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