Chapter 17 : Diamond Ball PT II

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Music Playlist: Sevyn Streeter - B.A.N.S


Destiny Grey

While I sat at the table waiting for James to come back from the bathroom. I decided to text my best friend Ayana. She was the only one who could calm me down.

This chick had tried my life and James didn't even really defend me. All he did was tell me to calm down.

I don't care if she did work for him. That was a bullshit lie. I could feel in my gut that something was off.

They both looked like they had some interesting history.

The way she was looking at my man was making me uncomfortable and I wanted to break her face.

I was territorial when it came to my boyfriend.

I already had to get used to the thirsty girls who threw themselves at him on the Internet and in person.

I, Destiny Grey don't tolerate disrespect.

I sent a text to my bestie, and She replied telling me to, set this chick straight and find out what James and her, had in the past.

I looked up to see couples chatting and music playing and I noticed that Sasha and her man were having a little argument at their table. She was getting on him for looking at some woman's ass.

Trouble in paradise. I thought I smirked being nosy while I watched from afar.

The guy said something to her and she stormed off. She was walking in the direction of the bathroom.

This was my chance to confront this bitch and find out if she was an ex of James.

Five minutes went by and James still didn't return.

I got up from the table and I walked towards the bathroom. I went into the Women's restroom...I didn't see anybody in there.

Where did she go?

I walked back out of the bathroom and I heard something going on in the men's restroom. It sounded like a guy and a girl.

I put two and two together and prayed that James had already been out of the bathroom and that he wasn't still in there

I listened to my ear on the door as I heard a conversation being had.

I wasn't pleased with what I was hearing. The voice sounded like James.

Who the fuck was he talking to?

I pray that it isn't who I think it is.

I was getting impatient. I finally found the courage to open the door.

I went in and to my surprise, I was shocked at what I saw.


James Solomon

Uptown: A New York Love Story |  Book 1 ( COMPLETED ) ☑️ Trevante RhodesWhere stories live. Discover now