Chapter 4 The Confusion.

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Payne's P.O.V.

        My eyes stung with tears, again. I had cried the entire time I was at Rattler's Bluff. It wasn't fair what Jaycob did to me but he made things right. He explained. He admitted to having a crush on me which I don't find weird because I am totally sexy. But now he just agreed with his brother that I'm nothing but a fag. Just a stupid fag. That's all I'll ever be to the Cooler brothers. Jaycob really had me. I had actually thought he was serious but no it was just another joke. I should be used to the jokes people play on me by now.

        "Hey Payne are you okay?" I nodded I was facing the closet away from him so he wouldn't see my tears. I didn't want Lucian to worry about me. I would be fine. I was just worthless. "Payne, Jaycob thinks you're cool really he does."

        "Oh it really looked like it." My voice broke. It was meant to sound like sarcasm but it didn't exactly come out like that. It came out sounding like a love sick teenage girl. "I think I'm going to go to the library." I stated and walked out. Did I really go to the library? Hell no. I went to the one place that actually made me feel better, the football field.

        Practicing took my mind off of things. I practiced doing cartwheels and flips and cheers for a few hours until the sun was starting to set. I decided it might be a good idea to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. The Cafe was about a 10 minute walk from the football field. I took the walk slow, admiring my surroundings. A silver car drove by me and it struck my memory. It couldn't be the same car but it reminded me of it.


        "PayPay what would you like for lunch today?" I was in middle school the woman could stop using my toddler nick name. Then again as long as I got what I wanted it didn't really matter.  

        "Let's go to Papa Jose's" I always thought that was a weird name for a pizza joint. She drove and we pulled up there. Dad got out of the passenger seat and went inside and my mom went inside with him. I got out behind them. Holding my head high. We were in 'that' part of town. Mum and dad always told me to hold my head high because we are better than the people who live here.

        "We'll have that table by the window." My dad said. I looked over and the window tables were occupied. The hostess of the joint noticed this as well.

        "I'm very sorry sir, those tables are all taken up."

        "If you don't get  us a window table, we will take our business elsewhere and alert the health department of the hair we found in our food from here last week." My dad said sternly. He always seemed to get what he wanted.

        The owner was coming out of the kitchen at that exact minute, "Maddylyn, is there a problem? Oh Mr. Coats? Maddie get this family anything they want." I smiled. I always loved the window seat. I loved watching the people walking by.

        "But Mr. Jones, he want's a window seat." Mr. Jones, the owner I'm assuming looked back.

        "Ah, I'll take care of it." He went over to this elderly couple asking them to move. I instantly felt bad. I walked over to him.

        "No, It's fine sir. I think my father and I will go elsewhere. I'm wanting something other than pizza anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience." My father glared at me but he heard every word we had said. We walked out. Once we got in the car he turned and pointed his finger at me and I shrank in my seat.

        "You need to learn to keep your mouth shut son. He was getting us the table you like."

        "But Da-"

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