Chapter 18:

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***Jaycob's POV***

Today has been a long day, game days usually are but today was a special day. I asked to be official with Payne. I had a heart attack when he thought someone was following him; I wouldn't put it past Ryan to be following him, just waiting to jump him. I was planning on coming out to my parents. Plus the current issue, the long drive to my house. It wasn't terribly long but it was quite a drive.

Payne and Der didn't think this was going to go well. I can't say I blame them. Payne has been a victim of coming out too soon and Der KNOWS my parents. They're not the most open minded people.

"Payne, do you want something to eat?" When he doesn't answer I look in the rear view mirror to see him sleeping peacefully in the back of the car. I smiled. He was cute.

"I'll take something to eat." Derrick volunteered. I glared at him.

"Okay but not much if we ruin our appetite Mom will kill us."


I pulled through a drive through and bought us a couple of burgers and one for Payne in case he wakes up before we get home.

"You're really not worried?" Derrick asked me, suddenly serious.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I'm worried. I'm scared to death. I don't want to stop talking to mom and dad but if they don't accept me for who I am, if they don't accept Payne then they're not people I want to be around."

"Dude, that's deep."

"No, Der. That's love." I smiled. There isn't a thing on this earth I wouldn't do for Payne. He has my whole heart. Everything in it belongs to him. "Haven't you ever been in love, Derrick?"

Now that I think about it, his girlfriends never made it home.

"Sure, man. I loved Lacey."

"Dude that lasted like a week." I exclaimed. Remembering the tramp he dated his senior year in high school.

"Well, she wouldn't put out and so yeah..." My brother....Is an idiot.

"Der, that isn't love. Love is when you can't stand the thought of being without them. Love is when you would literally take a bullet for them. Love is forgetting about your family, forgetting about your parents, your brother, if it meant keeping them close to you. Love is everything."

"Were you ever in love, other than the obvious, Rainbow Child?"

"I don't know. None of the others matter to me now so I guess not." I explained.

· * *

Derrick got out of the car and fell to the ground, "Oh sweet, holy ground. You're so beautiful."

I rolled my eyes. Drama queen. I looked in the back seat to see that Payne was still resting peacefully. I didn't want to wake him because he needs his rest. I gently unbuckled him and lifted him bridal style and walked through the door that Derrick had so generously left open. I swear you would think that child was raised in a barn.

I carefully carried my sleeping boyfriend to my old bedroom. I gently laid him on my bed. I kissed his forehead before walking back down to the viewing room, as my dad liked to call it. "Jaycob, baby, Derrick told me you brought a friend home."

"Oh, he did Ma?"

"Mhm. What's his name?"


"That's nice sweetie, but didn't he want to go to his parents?" I shook my head.

"Okay sweetie. I'm making supper you go watch the game with your father and Ricky."

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