More Fights: Chapter 8

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Hey so this song fits this chapter perfectly and that sexy picture to the side is Harry Shum Jr who is playing Jaycob Cooler and is a sex ass biatchh

Jaycob's P.O.V. (That's right another Jaycob *laughs manically*)

         "I have someone that I'm willing to fuck" Payne spat at me. Why is he getting so worked up? Why am I getting so worked up. Why didn't I just leave? Well because I can't stand the idea of Ryan in the same bed as MY Payne. "And it's not you." Yeah those words stung a little but I wasn't going to let him see just how much they affected me. I have had a crush on Payne for a while now why can't he see that? He is a beautiful person, inside and out and I want him to know that I see that. I want him to know that I like him. I went to tell him why I said those things to Derrick in front of him. It wasn't because I meant what I said, I didn't I really like Payne I don't think he's a bad person or anything like that at all. I just was protecting him but then I seen him and Ryan. Ugh. I hate Ryan. Why the hell would he be with someone like Ryan? Ugh.


        "It could have been." Why those words left my mouth I have no idea. I was losing all control of my body and my words. I really like Payne from the first time I went into his room. 

**Jaycob Flashback**

        "Come on Jay it'll be fun, it'll be cool Lucian is a great friend." Derrick practically begged me to go to his friends room and play video games. But I knew how this went. I would go to the room and they would only have two controllers and I would end up watching them have fun. I really didn't want to go.

        "Rick, not interested. I have homework." I said and looked back down at my book to reiterate my point.

        "I promise you'll enjoy it. Please." 

        "Derrick unless you are going to do my homework for me then I'm not going."

        "I'll do it." I looked up at him. He knew I was kidding. I wasn't the type to cheat. 

        "Fine, you don't have to let me get my shoes on." So I put on my shoes and sighed heavily inside my head. This day was never going to end was it. 

        "Yeah!" Derrick cheered. I rolled my eyes and followed him to the room he was talking about. On the door were two names, Payne and Lucian. Under the name Payne was a quote that Mewtwo said on Pokemon "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" That was deep man. Very deep but the Pokemon quote underneath Payne's name spoke to me. "We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different, well... who knows?"  Judging people isn't cool and I really like that quote. 

        My greatest fear was being judged by my brother for being gay. That's why I have chosen not to tell him. Almost all of my "friends" that I stopped being friends with after a while, were actually boyfriends but he doesn't need to know that. He thinks I'm a perfect brother and who am I to ruin that image? 

        "Hey Lucian" Derrick yelled as he walked into the room. I saw who he was talking to laying on his stomach playing video games. 

        "Hey Derrick, what's up?" 

        "Nothing much, this is my little brother, Jaycob." I forced a smile and waved at him. 

        "Cool you can call me Lou and come on in."

        Then I heard it. The most beautiful giggle I've ever heard. "Cora, no way Johnny Depp is so much hotter than Brad Pitt." I walked further into the room and seen the owner of the giggle and the voice. 

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