Chapter 14: His Arms

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~Jaycob's P.O.V.~

It felt like days that I held Payne in my arms. I just let him cry. What else was I supposed to do? I couldn't even look at him. I couldn't think about what Ryan did to him. Payne drifted to sleep about ten minutes before Lucian walked in. Knowing Payne wouldn't be alone I got up and stormed out of the room.

Kyler had left ten minutes after we'd gotten there. He couldn't stand seeing Payne like that either. I couldn't leave. I had to be there for him. So, I stayed until I knew he was asleep but not alone.

I stormed up to Ryan's room and I beat against the door loudly. "Get out here, Ryan!" I yelled. "Today is the day you die!" I continued beating on the door until Derrick opened up and looked at me like I was delusional. I moved towards his door. I would walk through his room if I had to. He put his hand on my chest.

"Jaycob, what's wrong?" Derrick asked confused.

"Ryan is going to die." I said through clenched teeth. I was still seething with anger.

"Calm down, Jay."

"He hurt Payne!" I yelled. I wouldn't tell Derrick nor anybody how exactly Ryan had hurt Payne. That's something for Payne to tell.

"I thought you were over that freak." Those words I normally would have just brushed off; but today it through me over the line and I punched my brother in the face. Derrick rubbed his jaw and looked at me. "Jay, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath." When I didn't adhere to his demand he glared at me. "Jay, I understand you're going through a tough ph-"

"Derrick, stop!" I demanded. "I want you to read my lips and read them closely because what I'm about to say will never change. I. Love. Payne. Coats." I said nice and slow so he could fully comprehend what I said.

Ryan's door was unlocked and looked over to see his roommate opening the door. I pushed past the kid into the room, "Hey-'

Ryan wasn't here so I cut him off, "Where is he?"

"You think I keep up with that jerk? Why don't you check his slutty boyfriend's room." Again, normally I would have just brushed it off but this kid just earned himself a punch to the face too.

"Payne is not his boyfriend, and Payne is not a slut." Then I looked at Derrick, "Payne is not a freak. Payne is the sweetest most caring human being I've ever met and I love him so if anybody else has anything to say bad about him they will be subject to the same damage as you. Understood?" The kid nodded and walked off. Derrick was still swept back about what I said to him before. He shook his head and went back into his room locking the door. I needed to know where Ryan was.

If I couldn't find Ryan then I had to do something. I couldn't just stand here and wait for him to come home. I mean I could but I didn't want to sink to his level of creepiness. I turned to go to see Payne a couple feet down the hall headed this way. What the Hell?! He fucking RAPES him and he still comes back?

"Payne, wha-"

"I didn't come for R-R..." His sentence kinda just fell off. He stared at the door that I was currently standing in front of. "I came to find you." I looked at him shocked.

"Me?" He nodded slightly.

"W-When you l-left..." he gulped before continuing, "I couldn't sleep...I-I was wondering if possibly...y-you would come back with me and h-hold me for tonight."

"Why did you come here, Payne?" I asked confused.

"W-when you saw me, I seen the anger and disgust in your eyes. It wasn't hard to figure out you were out for blood," He was silent for a minute, "and that you're disgusted by me." I barely heard it as it left his lips.

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