Chapter 3: Rattler's Bluff and the Talk

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Jaycob's P.O.V.

        Did I plan on going out like that? No. I watched as Payne ran out of the locker room. I acted rash I shouldn't have brought him into this. It wasn't his fault that my family was homophobic and he just made me want to be myself. I have had a crush on Payne for a bit now.

        Derrick shoved me against the wall. "Don't fucking do that. My brother isn't a fag." He yelled in my face.

        I shoved him off of me and glared at him, "You're right, Brother. I'm not a fag but neither is Payne. We're human beings. We're humans that deserve their chance at love without jerks and homophobes getting in our way."

        He looked down, "You aren't gay." He whimpered and my face softened.

        "Yes I am Derrick. I have known a while now. I wonder why I never came out to you." Probably because he's a homophobic dick.

        I got my stuff and walked out of the locker room. "Where are you going?" I heard him say angrily.

        "To make things right. I never should have done that to him." I looked around the football field but I didn't see him. The pretty girl I always see him with came over to me and smacked me.

        "What the hell did you do to him!?" She demanded.

        I mumbled, "I...kissed him." Her eyes widened and she looked around. "Where did he go?"

        "I don't know." She said quickly. I was pretty sure she was lying.

        "Please, I need to talk to him. I shouldn't have done what I did. It wasn't right. I need him to understand." She looked at her feet fighting herself whether to talk to me or not. "Please." I begged again.

        "If he's not at his dorm I might know where he is." She said and looked up at me.

        "Thank you. Where?"

         "There's a creek up the road called...rattler's cove. He likes to go up there to think sometimes."

        "I'll text Lucian and see if he's at the dorm." Derrick said pulling out his phone. I looked up at him in surprise. "I'm not happy about this Jay but I don't really want the kid hurt and Rattler's bluff which is how you actually say it, didn't get it's name because of a baby rattle." I scoffed, "What? You don't believe me?"

        "Seeing as you and Ryan almost raped him, no I don't think that you don't want the 'kid' hurt."

        The pretty girl looked up and glared at Derrick, "You did WHAT!?"

        "Look before we get too sidetracked we need to go find Payne." I said worried. 

        "Lucian just texted back, he's not at the dorm." Derrick said. I glared at him. 

        "Come on," The girl started,"I'll show you." 

        I started following her and Derrick started too. I stopped and looked at him, "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Derrick looked at me hurt for a minute. 

        "Like I said, I want to make sure he doesn't get hurt." 

        "Derrick I honestly don't think it's a good idea and you and I both know you don't care about Payne you just don't want me going but guess what, I am and you are NOT stopping me." I said sternly. 

        "Come on we have to go." The girl said. 

        "Cora give us a minute," Derrick said. 

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