Chapter Nineteen

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Parker POV
Are you fucking kidding me? Her secret was that she moves things with her mind? Why couldn't be something normal like... I don't know. What really is a normal secret? Look, I'm talking rubbish. Im in no state to speak. Why are you making me explain. I'm in state of shock. I could be having a mental breakdown. Do you know what that means? I'm dying. I'm going crazy. I'm doing a weird mixture of both. I'm drazying. That's not really a thing.

"Bro I get your in the middle of a mental breakdown but we need to go." Brock said concerned staring down at me.

"How are you not freaked out?" I asked.

"I am a little but if wolves are real then how do we know that other supernatural beings aren't?" He suggested bluntly.

"Your right and if they do exist then...then...." I started before descending into uncertainty.

"We should go to the library and determine what she is." Brock finished his voice rattled with concern.

"You're right!" I agreed, taking his hand and lifting myself out of the crouching position I had been in.

We had stayed hidden in the bushes, even after Thea had finished what looked like a mediation. Brock and I walked to the car not exchanging a word. Once we had got inside, we began theories as to what Thea could possibly be. A vampire? A witch? A demon? The possibilities were endless.

"What is she's an exclusive?" I asked suddenly while Brock was raving about the philosophy of witches.

"That's not possible!" He answered sternly, clutching the wheel harder in this discomfort.

I shouldn't have brought it up. Exclusives was a sensitive topic for him.

"Man, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up." I apologised.

"It was a stupid suggestion but you're forgiven" he answered sighing

We remaining in silence for the rest of the journey. Once we were at home, we both rushed into the library and set off at opposite ends, attempting to cover as much ground as possible.
When it stroke midnight, I sighed audibly before turning back to the ninth volume of witch history.

"Witches do not have pet cat neither do they wear pointy hats." I mumbled as read a random line.

Dude, could you keep it down. Some of us are trying to sleep.

Ace, I'm trying to do something important.

As am I.


Hey, I need my rest. This doesn't happen by accident.

Once again I cannot see you.

Why are you always so moody?

I'm not. You just started an argument.

All I did was ask you to keep it down. You started this. Ever since you rejected our mate. You've been like this!

Been like what?

Not yourself. It's because of your stupid decisions!

Stupid? Judging by the position I'm in now. I'd say I made the right call!

"Parker!" Brock called from within the rows of library.

Brock had stayed with me, the entire time. He had reading the material at the opposite end of the library and often called out to ensure that I was still awake. He had little off ever since I'd mentioned exclusives but he was still determined.

I quickly found him sitting on the floor of a random Isle with a semi circles of books around him. His face looked triumphant as he glanced up at me and said:

"I know what Thea is!"

I looked at him in shock. He had done it. No more reading about how many stomachs witches has. Hell yeah.

"Parker?" Brock asked confused starting up at me.

"What?" I returned slumping down to level on the floor.

"Don't you want to know what she is." He asked annoyed.

"Right, yeah" I said laughing at myself.

"Well, I was reading up on vampires but it was going no where and what you said about exclusives just kept ringing in my head. So I decided to research it and..." He explained

"And what?" I prompted

"You were right" he answered.

There's a first time for everything.

Not now Ace.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

" Well she's a wolf for one. She's apart of the elders pact. And due to her age she probably here on assignment." Brock informed me.

"She's a wolf?" I asked.

"A special one." Brock answered sighing.

"Man, you can go. I get it's hard for you. Ever since Emmaline." I suggested looking down.

"Emmaline is dead and even if she wasn't she wouldn't have come back here." Brock answered wearily.

"So what do we do now?" Brock asked after a few minutes of silence.

"We find out what an exclusive is doing here in Raven." I answered standing up.

"An exclusive in Raven? Son, are you sure about this?" My Dad asked sitting across the table from me.

"I'm positive. When as exclusive child is born, the elders pact takes them away immediately. To train them and their powers. On the child's 17th birthday they can chose to return home or stay with the elders as almost like an agent. Being hired out by other pacts to take down threats that moved on outside their jurisdiction." I explained watching my fathers face.

My father turned to look at my mom. She gave him a nod.

"How do you know Thea is an exclusive?" My dad questioned once again.

"It's simple really. She moved here essentially by herself claiming her parents worked in the city. She disguises her wolf smell using her powers allowing her to go unnoticed. She beat us all in psychical fight as she has elder training. And I saw her move things with her mind." I answered.

"Instead of hunting her down, why don't we contact the elders pact and ask?" Brock's father David asked.

David was my dads beta. Throughout the meeting he had been quiet. Squirming under the mention of exclusives. Much like Brock had.

"Do you really think they would tell us if they we really planning on taking us down?" I respond as politely as possible.

"He's right." My mother started, " David. Maya. I understand. I feel like it would be best if you two sat this one out and let us handle it."

"You're right" Brock's mother maya said before leaving.

As she left their was visible tears in her eyes. Brock's family never did get over Emmaline. Emmaline was Brock's sister. She was an exclusive and like all exclusives she was taken away. They had assumed she would come home in her 17th birthday but the elders had visited and told them that she had died many years earlier. They never even spent a day with her.

As the door shut my parents turned back to me.

"So son, what's the plan?"


It's been awhile I know.

Sorry for the delay but I'm back now.

Expect regular updates!

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