Chapter Thirty

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Thea's POV

I'm sure it's been days. Well at least it feels like it has. I still can't wake up. I can twitch but I can't move. I can breathe but I can't speak. It's irritating me beyond belief.

I can't believe this is happening.

I need to wake up.

Despite being technically in a coma, I can sense people around me. I sense the doctors hovering adjusting my hookups amongst other medical things. I can also sense someone sitting next to me constantly. Judging by the sounds of Ellen reruns I know its Elder Winslow. He claims to never watch Ellen despite the fact I've caught him watching it several times on multiple occasions.

I know he must be worried. He likes to pretend that he's not but I know he is. He goes all stiff and starts grinding his teeth. I can hear that too.

He's doing it more than normal though. I know he knows that I'm going to be okay. My injuries aren't life threatening. There most be something else going on. I don't know hat it could be. I was in a car accident. It was hardly covert operations.

Then again he could just be worried about me. I am his kid. Not by blood but by all other means. He's mine and I'm his. We're family. He's all the family I ever needed. I couldn't ever live without him around having my back.

I guess it's the same for him.


Parker's POV

It's been days since the accident now. I haven't left the hospital and neither has David and Maya. My parents had to leave to deal with pack business and with their Beta's unavailable they had even more to do. They were happy to do it though, they understood. Elder Winslow has left a couple time to get food, take a shower and get clothes but besides from that he hasn't left her side. He still won't let Maya and David go see her, she's still not awake.

Brock and Fax come and visit as well. David and Maya ordered Brock to go home and my parents said the same to Fax. They come everyday after school bringing food and a change of clothes.

Maya doesn't talk much. David does but she doesn't. I think its the shock of thinking your daughters dead and the finding out she alive and now on the brink of death.

They were both confused as to why I stayed. I just can't bear to leave. I need to be here. It's the closest I can be. It was a few days after and when David left to go to the cafeteria when Maya asked I was here.

"I didn't know you too were so close."Maya commented sitting down next to me.

She was almost cheery

"Huh?" I asked dazed at the communication.

"You and Thea." She prompted.

"We're not actually"I admitted sadly.

"Then why are you here?" She asked bluntly.

I looked down miserably not wanting to look at her in the face.

"She's your mate isn't she." She concluded.

I looked up, shocked.

"How..." I began.

"I know that look!" She interrupted chuckling.

"Yeah, she is." I admitted sadly.

"You don't seem to be too happy about it." She said taking offence slightly.

"No. No. It's not her. It's me. I messed things up way before things started. She doesn't really like me much." I reassured.

"She'll come to her senses." she said all-knowingly, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking deep into my eyes, "Either way I'm glad someone like you is her mate."

I stared right into Maya's face.

I should have guessed.

I mean it was in front of my face the whole time.

It was obvious.

Then why didn't you figure it out?

Because I didn't know it was obvious.

Yeah?! That makes sense...

Thea had Maya's face. The same cheek bones and lips but she had her Dad's features. The dark hair and the blue eyes came from him. Brock had his face but Maya's green eyes and blond hair.

If Thea wasn't an exclusive she would have grown up with us. She would have been Brock's twin. My best friends sister. God, it sounds like a cliche romance novel. Not that it wasn't the exact same situation for him. He's mates my sister but weren't twins though.

Thea is the perfect mate for me.

If I only I was smart enough to realise maybe I wouldn't have messed things up so quickly.

If I could redo the last few months but I can't.

All I know is that if I re-met Thea now.

I wouldn't have rejected her.

Even if I did think she was human.


Thea's POV

The sunlight was harsh against my face. I opened my eyes in annoyance and stirred. Blinking rapidly an image of hospital room formed in front of my eyes.

I'm awake. Hell Yes.

I looked around. It was a private room. I couldn't move much their where too many things attached to me. An uneaten meal lay by my right side and on my left was a sleeping Elder Winslow. A rerun of Ellen played softly in the background on the TV latched in the corner.

I knew I was right.

I looked down at myself. My left arm was bandaged. Looks like I'm not getting out of any schoolwork. My chest was as well. I still felt pain whenever I breathed. The collapsed lung. I put my right hand up and felt yet another bandage around my head. If my heads shaved I'll be majorly pissed.

I picked up my that notepad thing that tells you whats wrong with you. I flipped through silently.

"You can out run a bullet, defuse a bomb and beat a fire but you almost die in a car crash. What can I do with you?" Elder Winslow joked suddenly.

I turned my head around and faced him quickly.

"Sleeping beauty is awake I see." I retorted smugly.

He swatted me playfully.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked getting up and stretching his legs.

"Only a few minutes." I said sitting up and putting the board down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked cautiously.

"Fine," I reassured, " So it was a car accident."

"Yeah, Drunk driver. I've already talked to the police he's admitted it, well he did after some persuading." He said faking nonchalance.

He was hiding something.

"What's up sir?" I asked bluntly.

He looked conflicted but sighed, sat down and grabbed my hand.

It was something serious.

"You need to understand. The car crash was really bad. You were going to die, Thea. I couldn't let that happen. You lost a lot of blood and you didn't match any of the supplies. You needed fast so I made a decision and I contacted your parents. You're real parents. They were in shock of course because they thought you were dead and they want to see you." He explained quickly.

"My parents are here?" I asked shocked.

"Yes." He admitted holding his head.

"I don't want to see them." I said bluntly.

"I think you should." He began.

"Why?" I asked choking on my anger.

"You know them." He whispered.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"It's the betas. The betas of pack your working in. It's them"

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