Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Parker's POV

I didn't know if Thea got to her class or not. As soon as she walked away,  I didn't follow, I left. I ran to the nearby forest that surrounded the town of raven.  I don't remember what I did. I just sat. And waited. I don't really know for what. Maybe for the sun to set. Or maybe for the pain I was feeling to disappear. Or maybe for the sunset thing. I really don't know.

After moping around for about an hour, I was done feeling sorry for myself. What was Parker McGarth doing moping around after a stupid girl? A stupid HUMAN girl.  Urgh. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. After this realization. I got up and returned to school.

I didn't want to face Mrs Saunders again so I sneaked in through another entrance. By the time I got there the interval between third and fourth period had begun. The school was buzzing. I heard snippets of conversation as I walked alone  to forth period English.

"Have you seen her?" 

"She's really pretty!"

"She must be a slut."

"Bro I'd tap that in a heartbeat."

I heard generic voices say as I walked towards my friends. As I got closer I saw that my friends were separated. Alena and her set of twins were in a separate group who were engaged in a completely different conversation to my actual friends. I was deliberate in making sure that Alena didn't see me and drag me away.

"Hey guys" I say in my friends general direction.

They snapped there heads towards me simultaneously.

"Don't hey guys us!" Gavin started.

"Were the fuck have you been dude? Did the Principle lay it into you  that bad because of a little back chat?" Brock continued making hand gestures that indicated something small at the small part.

"Nah he let me off the hook. I just left knowing that I didn't want to get in the middle of period three algebra." I said nonchalantly putting my hands in my pockets.

"Why didn't you keep skipping? Why come back for English? Are we loving deviling deep into Shakespearean sex scenes?" Xavier added wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Of course, you need to know how Shakespeare swung before doing it yourself" I joked along.

All the men in the group laughed but Delta, Kennedy and Zara just glared with clear motives of feminism in there eyes before erupting into laughter themselves. That's when I noticed Faxton was missing.

"Where's Fax?" I asked Brock?

"Well dear alpha your sister, my mate is helping the needy at the moment."  He said extravagantly with hand movements.

"And how is she doing that?" I asked carrying on his dramatic tone and flipping me head towards him.

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