Chapter Thirty One

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Thea's POV

"The Tames's? As in Brock's family? Brock's my brother. What?" I spluttered incoherently absolutely gobsmacked.

Brock's my brother? How is that even possible? We're in the same grade. Maybe it's like Fax and Parker's situation. 11 months apart. I don't even know why I'm thinking about this. Brock's my brother. The beta's are my parents. What are their names? They saved my life.

I can't deal with this.

This is why I never wanted to know who they are.

I don't want to face the people that abandoned me.

If I know who they are, I know I'll ask why.

And I know I won't like the answer.

They kept Brock but left me?

How could they?

"I know this is a lot to take in," Winslow began looking at me wearily,"But I'm going to have to tell them you're awake. They've been waiting for you to wake up. They're in the waiting room. I wouldn't let them stay in here. I didn't want you facing them as soon as you woke up.

"Thanks." I breathed smiling.

"So, what should I tell them?" He asked.

"I don't want to see them. They abandoned me." I stated adamantly before attempting to fold my arms but giving up after being unable to bend my arm that way with the cast.

Winslow started to chuckle at the sight of my struggling.

"I glad you think this funny." I snapped sternly.

"Just trying to lighten the mood." he admitted sadly.

"I was doing the same thing." I sighed.

He sat back down in the chair beside me. He gave me the guilty look he used to give to me when I was a kid. He did it when he was trying to convince me to change my mind on something. But I was a stubborn little brat. Or that's what he used to say.

"I don't want to see them sir. They left me. That's not what family does. Family don't leave you. They do what me and you do. Stick together. Not chose which kid they like and throw the other away." I explained sadly looking down at myself.

"Oh Thea," He sighed wrapping his arm around my shoulders and giving me a squeeze.

We sat in silence for a few seconds. I put my head his shoulder and took a deep breath. Winslow was my family. He was. He'd never abandon me.

"They didn't abandon you Thea." He said reading my mind and sitting up straight.

I put my head up,"What?" I asked.

"They didn't abandon you. They gave you away. They didn't want too. They had too." He confessed solemnly.

"I don't understand sir." I mumbled confused.

"It's law Thea.Any exclusives have to leave their original packs and join the Elders so they can learn to control their abilities and not be a threat. You know on your seventeenth birthday?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you asked if I wanted to leave and go back to my parents. You know I said no. I want to become an agent." I prompted curiously.

"Well, if you had said yes. We would have told you who they were as you know and we we usually give details of why and how you were given up in the first place. Most parents want their kids to come back, so their usually no conflict." He continued.

"Why didn't you tell me that they had to give me up?" I questioned skeptically.

"It's the rules. We let you think they abandoned you so you have full confidence in us. It's wrong I know but we can only tell you if you ask specifically so we can't be accused of misleading you." He explained further.

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