Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Parker's POV

So, how have you been doing? We always talk about me, lets talk about you! No? Well alright, I get it. My life is just way more interesting.

You 're avoiding the subject.

What subject? I'm avoiding nothing at all.

You're avoiding telling everyone you went full on Stalker with Thea over the past week.

I wouldn't say full on stalker. I'd say semi stalker minus the stalker part

I don't understand why you even care YOU rejected her.

I don't care.

Oh really? How would you like to expl...

Alright. Alright. I get your point but to clarify, I don't care, I'm just intrigued.

And whys that?Sh

I dunno.

It's because she is you mate.

Shut up Ace

No matter how many times you tell me to shut up and not talk about it, it will always be the truth. She is your MATE. Your M-A-T-E.

Leave me alone Ace.

Fine drown in your own misery.

Anyway now hes gone, Ill explain. It's been a week since Thea's meeting with that mystery Beta. That's when I instigated my investigation into Miss Thea Hunter. She is a complete and utter mystery. I took it upon myself for this investigating using the resources at me disposal.

I know what your thinking. You think I'm investigating her to stalk her but really I'm genuinely concerned about my packs safety. She knows all about wolves, talks to wolves is taking down something and is human. Isn't this cause for concern? Other than that I have no other reason to care.

Except for the fact she's your mate.

Alright! You know what, I'll admit it. I feel that a part of me is doing this so fully because she is my mate. It's most likely my wolf part.

No need to blame me for your obsessions!

Anyway, my first step when I Thea became a threat was go back to the Pack Technical Control Unit. And this time I dint order a code Giver. But when they saw me they thought I was.

~A week ago at the PTCU~

I swung open the PTCU door and strolled in causally whistling. As soon as everyone noticed me I heard them go silent and then fall into a hushed whispers. As I walked to Eddy's alcove I could hear snippets of their conversation. Which all about me. I could hear the words: Giver, Failure, soon to be Alpha, risk taker and asshole. I smiled smugly at the guy who called me an asshole. He seemed to squirm at just my gaze. Feeling contempt again, I started to whistle again until I reached Eddy.

I leaned causally against his computer before he turned around and sated at me in annoyance.

"Stop that. I hate that type of stuff." he moaned.

"You mean music? Oh yeah I almost forgot the only music you listen too is Dubstep!" I replied faking sudden memory.

"If it ain't Dubstep, It ain't right!" He commented causally before joining me in my laughter.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" Eddy asked finally removing his eyes from the computer screen and taking off his headphones.

"Well I need you to do me a fav..." I stared.

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