Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Parker's POV

"Today we are going to do something different!" Mr Gladstone smiled at the class as he said it.

Everyone stopped. Some with shock and some with intrigue. The noise died down and everyone listened.

He started walking round class handing out tiny clips of folded paper.

"Don't open them." he ordered as continued to hand them out. Ever so excruciatingly slowly.

If you are wondering why a bunch of teenagers are getting so excited over slips of paper, it's because whenever Mr Gladstone says something is fun it usually is. Last time this happened the whole class and the classroom ended up covered in volcanic muck. Don't ask. But now can you see why we all got so excited.

We all watched aching to know what was on the slips. He walked back to the front and starred at us for what seemed like minutes.

"Open them" he instructed.

I opened mine to reveal.....Black Widow Spider! Huh?

We all stared at Sir in confusion.

"What is on the slips are your assignments!" He started before we could question him.

"You'll have today and tomorrow to prepare a five minute presentation on your animal. No baby stuff alright! In depth knowledge of their antimony and to make it interesting do some interesting facts about the animal."

I chorus of groans filled the room. Looks like for the first time Mr Gladstone disappointed his class but he didn't look upset. He chuckled and ordered us to start research with either books or the laptops. Most people took both for the security.

Thea in Mr Gladstone's lesson was cut off from the rest of us. I was happy about this. Theas threat yesterday hadn't been fulfilled as of yet. She hadn't talked to me at all day. She only talked to Brock and Faxton properly the rest she talked to in passing. Whenever we locked eyes she would smirk evilly and turn away.

I watched her from my position behind her. Her slip had already thrown in the bin and she was typing away on her laptop. I silently stared until I saw her physically tense, she turned around and saw me staring. She narrowed her eyes and waved. Not with a normal wave but a dramatic one where her fingers only moved. She turned back around.

I looked away to find that Alena had slipped into the seat beside me. She purred as a failed attempt at being sexy. I noticed she had hopped a couple more buttons than usual. Her shirt was practically hanging off her. How could she be this fucking desperate and slutty?

If this your opinion of her why do you stay?

I was a little shocked to hear from Ace.

He scarcely talked to me now that I had rejected Thea. When he did come out it was to annoy me or to prove a point.

I didn't reply, not wanting another argument with him.

"Babe. We should get out of here." She said burying her head in the crook of my neck. Her voice was so screechy and annoying it actually turned me off.

"No." I said bluntly shaking her off.

"Come on baby. You don't care about a crappy little assignment, do you?" She attempted.

"I do care so shut up" I ordered using my Alpha tone as low as I could possibly muster.

She flinched slightly before returning to her work.

Satisfied, I started my presentation. Black widow spiders here I come.


The next day I found myself back in Mr Gladstone's class. Five minutes before the class was over. I was putting the final touches to my presentation when Mr Gladstone said:

"When you leave remember to check your presentation time for tomorrow's double period." He stated before he continued to grade papers.

The bell rang and everyone studied there time before leaving. I waited for the crowd to clear before steeping up with Brock. I studied it reading my friends as well as my own.

12:05 Brock Tames- Cheetah

12:10 Faxton McGrath- Lion

12:15 Alena Grand- Rhino

12:20 Parker McGarth - Black widow spider

I was contempt and almost left. The key word being almost. I looked at the list again.

No it couldn't be.

Could my life get any worse?

The last presentation couldn't be.

Oh but it was.

12:25 Thea Hunter- Wolf


The storm is coming folks.

Watch out.

See you tomorrow as always!

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