Chapter Thirty Six

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Parker's POV

Brock, Fax and I stood in silence as we watched Thea walk towards the house. Once she was out of sight and turned towards Fax only to have her hit my arm.

I jumped slightly at the contact my other arm shooting up to hold it.

I glared at her distastefully.

"What was that for?" I asked annoyed.

"For the game you are playing! Badly may I add." She spat clearly angry.

"What game?" I questioned confused.

"The one you're playing with Thea! Pretending to be nice. Getting everyone ready this morning before her session. Offering her rides to her parents house. What's your game? Tricking her again into thinking you've changed?" She accused angrily.

"I'm not playing a game. Thea made it clear that she doesn't want to date me or really have anything to do with me. So what's the point in trying to trick her into liking me?" I explained.

The looks on Fax's and Brock's face softened.

"Then what are you doing?" she asked in a slightly softer tones.

"I dunno. Being decent human. Doing my job." I suggested sarcastically.

"Huh?" She asked confused and back to her normal tone.

"It's apart of my alpha duties to mobiles the pack for training sessions. We should try our hardest to impress and respect the trainers that come here to help us. They're doing us a favour by training us. I was just trying to show our trainer the respect she deserved it just happened to be Thea. And about the car ride. She's not from here. I was offering her ride because I'm free and she needed help and thats it." I concluded.

"You're serious aren't you?" she questioned.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Alright, I believe you." She said kissing my cheek before walking off.

They both seemed content with my answer.

I don't know why it was so hard for everyone to see that I've changed?

Because they know you.

They know the old me.

Is there really a difference?

Yeah, there is.

What happened to you so that caused you to change so much?

I felt someone who I thought was mine die. And I couldn't do anything. Someone else could but I couldn't. I was powerless to help someone who I thought was mine. It made me realise that she wasn't mine. She was person. Herself. Nobody owned her like I thought I did. I thought I had some right over her. You earn the right to call someone yours and even then they're not your property. Their your partner.

I blew it with Thea. I ruined my chances. No one else. Me. Now I suffer the consequences.

That was deep.

The truth usually is...


"Thea, are you ready?" I called aimlessly up the main stairs hoping that she could here me.

It was about half an hour later. I'd thought I take her a bit early because despite Brock's house being on the same complex it's quite a drive. About twenty minutes. It's a very big estate the McGarth complex.

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