Chapter Forty

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Parker's POV

It's been a few weeks since that night of Zara's party. Not much has really happened. Just kidding. A lot has happened. Let me give you the run down.

Oh joy.

Shut it Ace.

Honestly that all you've been saying to me lately.

That's all I've needed to say lately.

Anyway back to my recap.

Maybe I should do that previously on?


Alright. I'll get on with it.

The day after that night at Thea's house. Life got launched into high gear. For everyone but mostly for Thea.

After we brought all her boxes inside we all just sat and talked. All stupid things really. Our lives and dreams. All the dramatic stuff that form the basis of most friendships. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It's the day our friendship started I'll never forget it.

It's good thing too actually. We hadn't become friends now the future would have been very awkward. Since I'm the future Alpha of the biggest pack near her base we would and will be working together a lot. As of right now since she has started running the place she is technically of a higher rank and even when I am she still will be. Before that would have bothered me but now I don't really care. Thea has worked hard her entire life to do something like this. Winslow told me about all the cases she's solved and how she's always dreamed of running her own division. He also said he's glad that it's an undercover one because she's too dramatic for anything else.

She's been happier in the last few weeks than I've ever seen her before.

After that night and the next day Thea did go see her parents. She apologised and they forgave her almost instantly. Blaming themselves and joking that she had gotten the brutal honesty from her mother. Thea couldn't handle that though and told them why she had done it. They were upset that she planned on leaving it like that but in the end they were glad it didn't end up like that.

I don't know if she mentioned me or not but later on that day the came up and thanked me. They thanked me for getting her to stay even though she would have anyway if she knew about that new job. They also thanked me for understanding her when all they thought about was themselves. David was called away before Maya asked me about me and Thea's relationship. I said it was friendship and a new one at that. She just seemed to nod all knowingly like she wasn't telling me something.

After that my Dad brought me along to the location scouting. Thea had asked my parents to assist as they would be working together and out was technically on our land. My parents brought me along as well. As future Alpha they said my opinion mattered as much as there's. My relationship with them has gotten much better as well. Before I knew they were proud of my accomplishments and stuff they genuinely seem proud of me as a person. Until now I didn't know how much I wanted that. I pretended I didn't need it because I'd never thought I'd earned there pride but I've changed.

All thanks to Thea.

My friend.

Anyway we scouted a few locations before settling on a place.

There was a lot large building available but they wanted a large plot of land. That's not really common in Raven though. It took two whole days of trailing from one empty office block to abandoned lot until I suggested we just convert the old abandoned building on the McGrath complex. I made the suggestion as joke as I much like everyone else was miserable from walking around in the rain. However apparently it was a good idea.

About an hour later we were at the old building hidden deep in the woods on the outskirts of the McGrath complex. It was the perfect place. Secluded, big and had a lot of ground space for physical training. Everyone thought it was the perfect place and it was except it was actually on our land. The whole town is our territory but the complex was legally our land. My parents talked and decided that they would donate the land to the Elder's pack. They said it was for the benefit of our relationship with the Elder's pack but it was really because of Thea. They liked her a lot. She saved the pack, she is independent, powerful, smart and technically my mate.

Like I said that was few weeks ago. The unit is now completely remodelled, finished and officially in use. Thea is technically running the place but technically isn't. Winslow is running it until Thea graduates from high school. My high school. But she still goes there everyday taking an active role in all operations taking place. I don't know the exact number but I assume it's a lot. Half of them you need clearance to even know what they are about. Clearance I don't have apparently.

After all that high intensity drama life has relatively gone back to normal. Except better. Thea and I are friends. Good friends I would say. Since she doesn't absolutely hate my guts now we can actually hang out we all our friends together and actually have fun. You know as friends.

That isn't enough for Fax and Brock though. They want us together badly but I'm done chasing her. It's up to her. I gave up that right. I've explained this to them but it doesn't stop them making comments whenever Thea's back is turned. I'm assuming they do the same things to her when my back is turned.

Anyway all that brings us to today.

It was an average Thursday in the currently not so sunny town of Raven but like I said much much better.

"Excuse me?" I said absolutely shocked.

"You heard me me McGrath. Spike over Angel any day." Thea repeated with an over dramatic hand gesture accompanied by a face as if to say her point was obvious.

"No, no and another no to keep that no company. You clearly don't know what true love looks like." I commented leaning further back into the lockers we were standing by.

"Yes. I do. It's when someone changes the other for the better. It's when someone sacrifices their happiness life to see the other one be happy even if it's not with them."She said seriously looking at me straight in the eyes.

"And that's Spike is it?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, it is. He died so Buffy could live." She answered taking a step closer.

We were closer to each other now. We are about the same height she about two inches shorter than me.

"I always thought Buffy saved herself." I said leaning in slightly.

"Of course she did. She earned her ending but she couldn't have done it without some help."She answered leaning in as well.

We were inches away from each other now.

Our faces almost touching.

I could feel her breath on my neck.

"I guess I see your point." I admitted tilting my head to the side.

"Of course you do. I'm right." she smirked.

"Aren't you always." I smirked right back.

We continued to chat.

It was light and playful.

We stared at each other.

Not looking at anyone else.

Looking into each others eyes.

She began to lean in closer as we talked and I began to do the same.

We were millimeters from touching when the bell rang.

I jerked at the sudden noise but she hovered.

"See you later." she said calmly before walking down the hall.

"Yeah, see you later." I called after her.

See you later Thea.


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