Spin-off #5

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Namjoon's POV:

"Kook! Jungkook! Kim Jungkook! Tell your daughter to stop biting me!" Taehyung yelled, with the corners of his mouth curved upwards.

Jung-Ri was happily nibbling on her uncles collarbones, her little hands grasping his expensive sweater tightly.

Her eyes were sparkling while she stared at her dad, all  the way over the garden.

Jungkook paid no attention to Taehyung.

"Yah! Kim Hyuna! Get down that damn tree! Yoongi! She'll get hurt!" My youngest son panicked, while he glanced up the branches, eyeing Yoongi's daughter, who happily showed her uncle her tongue.

I laughed at the mess and at my sons who were so desperately trying to parent to their best knowledge.

It was some kind of payback. It wasn't easy with them at all. That they all grew up to proper man, without dying in the process, was still a wonderous thing to me.

"Let her be Kook. If she falls, she will learn her lesson" Yoongi waved it off and focused on his youngest daughters drawing.

Sunmi was sitting on Yoongi's lap demanding his full  attention. Yoongi had his arms wrapped around her and praised her good colouring from time to time, that let the eyes of the toddler light up like tiny stars invaded them.

"Daddy! Pay attention to me!" Hyuna shouted over the whole garden, but Yoongi didn't look at her "no. I won't pay attention to you until you stop being a brat!" Yoongi answered, then focusing back on his youngest and pointing at yellow scribbles.

"You draw the sun really well, honey!" He smiled, showing off his gums, but instead of a happy giggle of a satisfied sunmi, he earned an offended gasp.

"Appa! No sun! It's uncle Hobi!" She Protested and Yoongles raised his hands in surrender.

"All right! All right! I see it now! It really resembles uncle Hobi a lot" he tried to calm her down and it worked.

Hoseok appeared behind him, sneaking an arm around his older brother and tilting his head while he bend his knees a little.

"What about me?" He asked and Sunni's head shot around as she happily yelled "uncle Hobi!". Hoseok mimicked her high pitched voice and excited demeanour "sunmi!" He cheered and then ruffled through Sunmi's hair that was perfectly braided in two cute braids.

"Hey! Hands off! It took me a while to get her hair done!" Yoongi growled and Hoseok lifted his hands as if his niece's hair suddenly caught fire, stepping back and leaving the scenario.

But as soon as his dad left the space, Minho snuck up and looked at the picture, brightly smiling at Sunmi "what are you drawing?" The gaps between his teeth clearly visible.

And while Sunmi explained Her elder cousin in broad detail what exactly was to see on her artwork, my attention was driven back to Jungkookie.

He had enough of hyunas stubbornness and was climbing the tree.

Hyuna was giggling like crazy while my youngest was cursing under his breath, "I will tickle you to death if I get you!" He promised menancingly and the kid gasped, trying to hide some more.

"Jungkook! Be careful!" Jin yelled over, holding tightly to the newest family addition, Jimin's second baby.

While Minri - the big and proud sister of Minseok- stood on her tippy toes, holding tightly onto Jin and kept on asking if Minseokie was happy.

Minseok seemed pretty contented in my eyes. The baby was only two weeks old and couldn't do much other than cry and sleep, but he was calm and held onto Jin's little finger tightly, blankly staring into nothingness.