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Namjoon's POV:

"How shall we celebrate that?", Jin suddenly burst the bubble that laid itself upon us, everyone watching the cuddle session between Jimin and his younger brothers.

"celebrate?" I asked dumbfounded, while the expressions the rest of the guys wore mirrored my confusion.

"Yeah! Celebrate! I mean, Jimin is back all healthy and he made new cool friends!" Jin beamed happily and clapped his hands together, smiling brightly at me.

How could I possibly say no?


The answer was: Not at all, and so I just sighed and grinned back.

"Sure let's celebrate" I chuckled, not up to deny him anything that made him happy and looking at me like that.

I failed to notice the blush that crept up Jimin's new friends and saviors faces as Jin said they were cool.

One of the guys' hands even dug themselves deeply in the flesh of the big teddy-bear like police officer, letting him shriek in discomfort.

"Party?" Hoseok piped up happily, making his way over to us, just to look at me and Jin with that expecting, sparkling eyes of his and the small smile that stole itself on his small lips.

"Not the type of party you want to throw, Hobi" Jin said warningly and our son immediately pouted.

"But we are all young! It is the best way to celebrate. Don't be such stuck up oldies!" He complained and Jin's eyebrows shut up, almost touching his hairline.

"Excuse me?" he asked baffled, staring at Hoseok as if he was just being terribly offended.

"I am not a stuck up 'oldie'. I am still young and very, very cool, you know!" he further explained and Hoseok snorted, just daring to voice out a tiny "sure", which Jin heard.

In an attempt of fake rage, he tried stepping up to Hoseok, who giggled and ran away, Jin closely on his heels.

"I swear if I catch you! You are dead meat! Kim Hoseok!" Jin yelled and grabbed a pillow as he zoomed by the couch, trying to hit Hoseok with it, who was now trying not to fall in his quick steps as he laughed so hard.

The strangers stared at the scenario with huge, disbelieving eyes, while I just accepted that my husband never would learn to behave like a decent, well mannered human being.

One of the many reasons why I loved him.

"Dead meat!" Taehyung piped up, finally letting go of Jimin and sitting up straight, looking at Jungkook whose eyes started to sparkle.

They had a weird fusion of a kind because they both started smiling knowingly.

"barbecue!" Jungkook then cheered and all ears perked up.

Jin even stopped running abruptly just to stare at the youngest in the room who looked so adorable now.

His eyes were sparkling and shining, clearly in love with his idea.

"Please! Appas! Let's have a barbecue!" he blinked, trying to look cute and irresistible.

"I don't know" Jin started to think and I knew, judging by his gaze, that he tried to remember if we would have all ingredients for a barbecue at home.

"Pretty please!" Jungkook pleaded.

"I-" Jin started again, staring at Kookie as the glass door to the deck suddenly fell close.

NAMJIN - FAMILY AFFAIRS. SEQUEL TO FAMILY MATTERS.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang