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Hoseok's POV:

"Done!" I sighed, as I let myself fall on our couch, totally done with all of this.

Never ever again would I have such a stupid idea. I swear.

The back of my hand was covering my eyes as the early morning sun was peaking through our windows, making the rest of the mess even more visible.

The guests really managed to shred one of the couch pillows, its content bleeding out on the dirty living room floor that was covered in sticky alcohol stains and dirt.

A curtain was torn off its halter, the only thing that would put the crown on this mess would be a shattered window. Thank god we could stop Jihoon from throwing that damn rock into the glass, because he didn't like the reflection it was giving him.

Seriously, this guy was the worst example for someone who got horribly aggressive after drinking.

"I am hungry" Jungkook whined and plopped down right on top of me, knocking all the air out of my lungs.

"Move!" I groaned, weakly trying to push him off my chest, but he didn't budge the slightest.

"We still need to get rid of most of the reigning chaos here. Otherwise our pretty heads will put the crown on the mess here" Yoongi declared earnestly, as if he was pronouncing a war.

On the contrary to that, he relaxed his muscles and fell on the couch, looking lifeless and dead.

"I can't do this anymore!" Tae whined dramatically, putting the back of his right hand over his forehead and plopped down on the floor, on top of all those pieces of what once were a pillow.

He was staring at the ceiling, as if it hid a secret, as if it hid the magic spell to get rid of all this work.

Jimin just silently stood there, hands on his hips, eyes judgingly staring at us, decorated by heavy eyebags.

Despite not being the youngest, he was the one, who needed sleep the most out of us. Maybe because he was finally growing? Who knows.

"We need to finish this up. I don't want to have something else that will trouble Appas. And most importantly, I don't want to be scolded more than we already going to be." He huffed, looking like an angry wife.

I just looked at him, tiredly trying to focus my eyes on his tiny stature, and then lazily raising my hand, waving him off.

"But Minnie-hyung" Jungkookie pouted, while using his doe-eyes, puppy-look trickery on his brother "I am hungry" he innocently stated, blinking two times too often.

Jimin's proud posture deflated as he looked at all of us.

"Then we need to come up with another plan" he almost inaudibly whispered, rubbing his cute, tiny, chubby hand over the wrinkles of devastation and worry on his forehead.

"I am so done with our stupid plans!" Yoongi growled frustrated, moving a bit, so he could rest his legs on top of Jungkook's stomach, who started complaining, but did nothing against it.


"The last few of our so called 'Masterplans' went terribly wrong. Hoseoks idea of throwing a 'nice, funny get-together', the idea of dragging Appa Joon's soundsystem out of his studio, to make it 'nicer', the idea of calling them, the idea of leaving Felix in the bathroom, even though he wasn't dead and almost guaranteed to wake up, puking all over the place, the masterplan of splitting up and the horrible things I saw, while managing to keep people from fucking anywhere in our house-" Yoongis rant got interrupted by the gasp of three very offended Maknaes, who couldn't believe, that he used a bad, forbidden word like 'fuck'.