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Hoseok's POV:

Something was definitely wrong. Something was fishy, and I didn't like it.

My eyes suspiciously darted from Appa Joon to Appa Jin, back and forth. Both were unusually silent, not talking to each other, not annoying their poor children.

And the fact, that Jungkookie just broke into the pantry, right in front of our parents, and now happily filling his bags with candy, with the help of Taehyung, made me realize, that something was definitely in the bush.

Something went terribly wrong.

I glanced over to Yoongi, who sat on the bench, leaned back, arms crossed in front of his chest with a raised eyebrow, eyeing our parents the same way I did.

Our eyes met, and I could feel, that he was thinking the same.

Trying not to raise any suspicion towards me, I went over to him and plopped down right next to him, which he commented with a tiny smile.

And because he looked so cool and admirable, I copied his sitting position, trying my hardest to raise an eyebrow as cool as him... I couldn't. I must've looked pathetic because my eyebrows quirked up fastly at the same time.

"What kind of problem do you have?" Yoongi asked me baffled, leaning over to me.

"Don't worry about me, hyung. I am feeling just fine!" I beamed toward him, nodding to underline my point.

"But our dads seem to have a big problem. Have you seen their 'hello' kiss?" I asked, leaning more in, almost sitting on his lap now, as if I was plotting something.

My hand was right in front of my mouth, trying to prevail that anybody could read my lips. You have a hard time of the kid of a genius, that could do anything unless it was cooking and fixing things.

"No?" He asked, question marks swimming in his onyx eyes, as he stared into my honey brown ones.

"Exactly!" I whisper shouted, exaggeratedly, putting my hand over my heart.

"I can't remember a time when they didn't do that. Never. Even when Appa Joon broke Appa Jin's very first Mario figurine." I shuddered at the memory. It was a horrible week. Appa Jin was having mood swings from being devastated and sad to being really angry, burned our food and still forcing us to eat it.

Until appa Joon brought home a special edition Mario figurine and invited him to a date. After that appa Jin was awfully happy again.

"Ugh. Don't bring up the awful old times. We survived. That's all that matters." Yoongi growled and I chuckled, nudging him in his side.

"But you get my point, right?" I curiously asked, scooting closer to him, face on a close proximity, noses almost touching. I wanted to make a point.

"Yeah" he nodded and shoved me away.

I scratched the back of my head, staring back and forth from our parents, ignoring the Maknaes transporting candy out of the pantry. I would just steal it from their rooms. No worries. Easier than sneaking into the pantry anyway.

"So, the question remaining is, what did Appa Joon do this time? And how do we prevent Appa Jin from serving us bad food?" I asked, leaning back with a sigh.

I didn't want to starve until they had it settled. So I decided to help Appa Joon to get back on the right track as soon as possible, like the kind and selfless person I was.

"That are two questions" he corrected me and I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary comment "shut up smarty pants!" I fired back, and okay, maybe I sounded a bit childish, but that wasn't enough reason for him to laugh at me and pinch my poor cheeks.