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Namjoon's POV:

"And I touched your face, and I call it my cocaine", Narcotic from Liquido blasted through the speakers of our car, as we were riding in utter silence towards our date.

This was a first.

Narcotic was a hyped song. Dark in lyrics, but the keyboard-tunes were addicting and wanting to let you jump. Both of us loved this song, we totally went crazy every time it was on. Shouting weird, made-up lyrics and head-banging counting to our normal routine.

Yet, it was silent.

Only Jins foot whipped slightly to the beat, that was pulsating through the car. My fingers were rhythmically beating against the steering wheel.

Other than that, silence. Dead silence.

I sighed. I wanted to talk, but Jin turned up the radio with purpose, just to show me, that he wasn't in the mood.

So I had to wait until we arrived at the restaurant.

"jin" I started anyway, frustrated the way this fight turned out. Both of us wanted only the best for our family, but this time, we had a totally different opinion.

I slightly felt sorry, that Jin had such a hard time right now. Not only was he fighting with me, but his Eomma was seriously ill too.

He had a lot on his plate, and I could understand, that he was acting harsher than any other time. I knew that this was hitting him hard, that his whole world was trembling in its base.

And the one, who always managed to hold him close, to keep him safe and secure, to stop the all the earthquakes that were about to destroy his kingdom, was not cooperative this time.

In fact, he was also adding to the shaking and trembling.

And I felt sorry for that.

Sorry, not to embrace him and keep him safe and stable until the crisis was over once again.

But I learned, that from time to time, we had to be selfish. He had to understand, that this would do no good to all of us. That the boys' lives would be terribly shaken up, terribly changed, no one knows for better or worse.

I knew as a fact, that the kids were really happy and leading a good life right now. America was their home. They had friends here, were used to the daily routine, to the language, habits, and culture.

Asia was totally different from western countries. Living there would change a lot. They would need an awful lot of time to adjust. They would have troubles. And the schooling system was totally different too.

And I didn't want to say I was only thinking of the boys. That would be wrong.

Me too, I had a life here. A life, I pretty much appreciated. My job was awesome, I had a good reputation, superstars were fighting and paying a lot of money just to work with me. My colleagues were incredible and I had friends.

I liked America and all the freedom it was offering you.

No one cared if I and Jin were going shopping in the mall, holding hands, and getting carried away in kisses, while our sons gagged in disgust.

No one cared. They congratulated us to our relationship.

It was nice. It was freeing.

And he wanted to give it up.

After eleven years living here. After eleven years of happiness.

"Jin" I started and my hand stretched out, to turn the volume down, as the song changed from 'Narcotic' to 'Don't stop believing' by Journey.