Spin off III.

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Spin off III.

Namjoon's POV:

"-Reach with me for the stars and burn your fingertips, maybe we will cry, maybe this will hold for forever", I read out loud, holding a piece of paper between my hands, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"What do you think guys?" I asked, glancing over to Jin's broad back, who was cooking and then over to Yoongi, who boredly scrolled through his phone.

I pondered for a few seconds, long enough for them to voice out their opinion. As nobody answered me, I grew quite frustrated.

"Guys!" I whined, and lowered my hands.

"I've read you some lyrics of one of the next big hits! Created by me, Kim Namjoon! I want opinions! Criticism, praise! Give me a reaction! An answer!" I ranted dramatically as both of them seemed clueless.

"Nice. Good job, Joonie" Jin hummed and started to stir in another pot.

"Honey! You didn't even listen!" I complained, now crossing my arms in front of my chest and sporting one of my bigger pouts.

"Appa, can you be done with your fit? You are not a toddler anymore. We raised you better than this" Yoongi rolled his eyes and I couldn't believe what I just heard. They raised me?! They?! Me?!

"Excuse me?" I asked and didn't receive an answer again.

"Fine! I'll never read you some of my lyrics again!" I concluded, quite hurt by their behavior. "Not to mention that the lyrics were inspired and for you, Jinnie. I am disappointed"

"I don't know Joon, I don't really want to burn my fingertips. If it hurts, I don't want to reach for the stars. I rather reach out for you. You are more important. And I don't want it to be a 'maybe forever'', because I've settled for an eternity with you." Jin nonchalantly shrugged, saying it as if it was something really casual.

But it was not. It let my heart beat increase and blood rush through my veins.

I loved him so much.

"Now, that is something you can write lyrics about" Yoongi nodded happily, grinning up at Jin, who just shrugged and smiled back.

"Woah, can you guys stop being so sappy for once?" Hoseok joked and marched into the kitchen, Jimin trailing behind him.

"But hyung" Jimin chuckled "Being sappy is how Yoongi hyung makes money now" and that earned loud laughter from Hoseok and a scowl from Yoongi.

"I at least make money. And I make lots of it. We'll see how you will do! Plus I don't make only sappy songs. Have you forgotten that I produced some lit hip hop tracks as well?" Yoongi complained, his pride was slightly hurt.

"Okay Mr Hip-hop money making producer. Go and get Jungkookie and Tae for supper" Jin deadpanned and Yoongi looked offended.

"Why me? Hobi and Jimin are already standing!" he complained, sounding like the seven-year old bratty kid he once was.

Maybe that never changed.

"Because I told you to do it, go get them or no food for you!" Jin threatened and with a high pitched whine Yoongi stood up and marched out of the kitchen.

"I'll remember Jungkook to sue you for several attempted murders!" he complained, painting smiles on our faces as we remembered how our youngest family member always threatened us with that whenever he needed to do something he didn't want to do.

"Nice, but Kookie still hasn't got any money!" Jin shouted after him and placed a bowl of salad in the middle of the table.

"Does he already know in which direction he wants to go?" Jimin asked curiously cocking his head to the side, opening a topic that almost costed Jin and my life.