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Seokjin's POV:

Me being mad, was nicely said, the truth.

But I was more than that. There was not a tiny bit of nice-ness left in me. I was furious as Namjoon drove up our laneway.

Underaged, drunk Teenagers being  everywhere.

Someone hugging a tree, the other talking to the flowers, three of them riding our sit-up lawn-mower, yodelling and attempting to behead our poor flowers, racing down the street.

Some of them were doing a ghost ritual, or whatever, sprinkling tons of my good and expensive sea-salt around the house.

Others were throwing bath-bombs into our pool.

And many more.

Well, in teenagers eyes, the party was a full success.

At a parents point of view, it was a disaster. A true nightmare.

"Joonie, hold me back, or I actually will kill them tonight, one by one", I told him through gritted teeth as he parked the car.

I could feel Jinyoungs judging eyes burning holes in my body. Literally.

He was standing on his window, staring over, with the scariest look he could muster, and that was something. We are talking about Jinyoung here.

He managed to scare me and bow in defeat from time to time.

On the contrary to me, Namjoon thought, all of this was hilarious.

He couldn't stop grinning and smiling like an terribly amused idiot.

He pissed me off, so much, that I repeatedly hit his arm, glaring at him, as if it was his fault.

Maybe it was. I have no idea.

Maybe he was in his being-the-favorite-dad Phase, again. That occurred the first time as little one-and-a-half-year old Kookie chose a swivel-chair over him.

His feelings were terribly hurt for weeks and I had a lot of consoling to do.

"Is this guy seriously trying to communicate with our door-bell?" he chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

And indeed, he was.

The guy was hunched over, pressed the door-bell,  concentratedly listening to the ringing sound, just to shout an aggressive "DING-DONG!" back.

I had to admit, that it was a teeny-tiny little bit funny.

"Oh come on, those teens are hilarious when drunk. So much blackmail material here", Joon laughed, bumped into my side and smoothly intertwined our fingers, holding me close.

"But the fact, that this is a raging party and we have to clean it u- HEY! NOT MY SPICES! PUT THAT AWAY! I SAID PUT IT AWAY IMMEDIATELY, YOUNG MAN!", I tried to answer Joon, but had to see the horrid sight of all my spices being messed up in a bowl.

They were expensive, and I felt like tearing up.

"They will so pay for it!" I sniffled dramatically, what only earned me a reassuring squeeze from Namjoon's hand.

"I need a kiss really bad right now" I continued whining.

"Are you drunk too? Jinnie!" He blushed and I thought that it was adorable.

"Okay, later then. Let us find the human-beings we are cursing our kids first. They probably are in Jimin's room or the bathroom" I sighed, forcing my eyes away from supervising the troublemakers, that were messing with my spices and were looking at me like mistreated puppies right now.