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Namjoon's POV:

"What do you think they are plotting again?", Jin chuckled, leaning close to me, sitting in between my legs, back to my chest, on the couch in the living room.

We were watching a movie and were cuddling after Jin had a late night shower.

Amused, he went up to me and sat right in the position he was right now, making himself comfortable while lulling and intoxicating me with his addicting scent.

"Mhhm?" I hummed absentmindedly as my fingers worked through his still wet and dripping dark hair, playing with it and admiring it at the same time.

He was a beautiful being that even when he was aging, still remained to be mesmerizing ethereal.

"our kids, Joon" he stated annoyed leaning into my touches, while I was 100 percent sure he was rolling his eyes right now.

I had 11 years time to read and get to know the person Kim Seokjin. With all his traits, perfections and mistakes, all his likes and dislikes, attitude and behavior.

I knew his mindset. I could read him. I could predict him.

I knew him like the back of my hand.

And still, he remained a mystery. Interesting and unable to solve through all this time.

I still couldn't decipher, how he managed to let my heart beating faster, how he could make my mind racing and let me hanging on his lips. How he could wrap me around his little toe so easily.

He was more than I ever dreamed of.

And even when I knew him that well, it only let me love him more.

I could never have enough of him.

Eternity wasn't enough to be by his side.

I never could get bored of him.

"Yeah? What are they doing?" I asked dumbly, absolutely having no idea what he was talking about. I mean he was the one upstairs and stalking them. Not me.

I was cluelessly sitting here, waiting for him to start our daily evening routine.

My fingers stopped massaging his scalp and he started grumbling in displeasure. So I just started caressing his hair again, a tiny, dimpled smile playing over my lips.

He was adorable.

"I don't know. Well, I don't know what they are planning. If they are plotting another prank, I personally will behead them and flush their favorite toys down the toilet while letting them watch!" he enraged himself and puffed.

He came up with the weirdest things sometimes.

I guess Tae got a lot of his attitude.

"So I assume they are upstairs huddled in one of their rooms and are acting all mysterious and silent?" I guessed and earned a nod from my lover's side.

"Yeah, they are. Locked in Jimin's room, and I only could hear muffled voices as I tried to listen to them. All five of them together. I can't believe Yoongi isn't getting tired of this! Seriously. Those five are too much!" he complained crossing his arms in front of his chest, cheeks puffed out, while he was staring at the drama that was airing on the TV.

Right this moment the guy of the gay couple, consisting of the king and his advisor's brother, were in his room after they almost got caught. They were hugging, and the king tried to calm his trembling lover down.