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Namjoon's POV:

Nervousness radiated off of Jin like a fever. Hot and desperate.

I wished I could cure him immediately, cuddle him to sleep and give him the acceptance he so desperately yearned for.

But it was not in my power. All I could do was mutter soft reassurances under my breath, squeeze his hand from time to time and stay as close as possible by his side.

Slowly we made our way up to the small house in the middle of the road, the place where Jin grew up.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were racing each other towards the entrance door, too caught up in their little competition to realize how distressed their Appa was.

Hoseok and Yoongi trailed behind me. Yoongi was still grumpy, he fell asleep in the car and was woken up just recently.

Head down he stared at the ground, kicking innocent little rocks that dared to come in his way.

Hobi was trying his best to cheer him up, constantly talking and not even shutting up in order to take a deep breath.

I don't even know what he was still talking about. He always found a topic, even if it was a stupid question like: Why are cartoon ducks colored yellow? He would carry on without a break, analyzing it all by himself if no one felt like answering him.

By now we only had a few steps left until we reached the plain brown door that hid Jin's family behind it.

That could be the gate to hell.

"Hey, Jinnie sweetie. Relax. It will be fine. And if they decide to be rude, I will break their TV and then carry you out there, okay?" I whispered in his ear, leaning over and resting my chin on his shoulder, staring deeply into his beautiful eyes.

I was searching for this little bit of braveness in him. That one bit that made him a fearless man. A true hurricane that would hit reporters with his frying pan.

I needed to find it. I needed to see if he was okay, that he was fine and that we really could do this. If I couldn't find it, I would grab him and all of our sons and would drive back to our temporary home, buying them ice cream on the way and suggesting a movie marathon, all cuddled up in the living room.

The most important thing was Jin.

His expression changed and he looked me deadass in the eyes. "I swear to all existing and non-existing gods, Joonie! If you break their TV!" he ranted and I leaned back, totally surprised.

"B-But I thought!" I tried to explain myself, but Jin just shook his head in sheer disappointment, squeezing my hand lightly.

"I thought we had enough of this discussion. I am so done with all your shenanigans Joon. I don't want to deal with another broken thing, even if it's not ours" he answered, staring back at me.

"They are not shenanigans! I can't help it that everything mysteriously breaks around me!" I tried to reason and Jin just shook his head again, strands of his hair falling over his eyes, while his plump lips formed a slight smile.

I was confused.

Why was he sending me mixed signals now? How could I possibly know what he felt now?

Sighing, I just slowly outstretched my hand, stopped walking and carefully brushed his hair back, letting my hand rest on the side of his head.

His eyes went slightly bigger as he watched my every move, seemingly frozen.

The smile then grew bigger and his hand wandered up, laid itself on top of mine and stayed in this position for a bit.

While time passed and the Hoseok and Yoongi duo passed us, we froze at this moment, lost in each other's eyes.