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Namjoon's POV:

And there was Jin.

Simply him.

Distributing lotion on his hands with his weirdly shaped fingers with utter care, taking his time, just not to look into my eyes.

But I, I was determined to catch his gaze, as soon as he could rip it from his hands and look up.

I wanted to see in his eyes.

Wanted to dive into his universe once more.

"Jinnie" I quietly whispered, stepping closer to him, closing the gap between us.

Carefully, I pressed his hands down with one hand and as his gaze didn't go up, I wrapped my left hand around his chin and gently lifted it, just so he could look into my eyes.

His stare was still casted downwards, studying my hand, that held his, as if it was made out of porcelain, scared of breaking the masterpiece created by god himself.

"look at me, Jinnie" I voiced out, almost inaudible, and slowly, as slow as a feather gracefully fell down, his eyes fluttered open, now catching mine, stealing my breathe once more.

"Joonie" his voice cracked and tears were pooling in his eyes.

Without any second thoughts and throwing all the words I perfectly molded and prepared out of the window, I embraced him tightly, hushing him as I would hush a baby to sleep.

Slowly swaying from side to side as my fingers busied themselves with drawing weird and more than artistic patterns on his broad back.

"Shh Jinnie, it's okay. Don't worry, everything will be fine. We will be fine." I whispered directly into his ear, as one of my hands wandered up, to stroke through his slightly tousled, dark brown and soft hair.

With utter care, I tried to smoothen out the mess I made during our make-out earlier.

After a heated kiss and Jin falling over a schoolbag, an awkward silence settled between us, as we let go of each other, back then.

He busied himself with putting away the bag and cleaned up some magazines that laid on the coffee-table, organizing them in an awfully perfect stack, sorted by date.

I just planted myself on the couch, watching him running around, following every one of his moves like an eagle eyeing his victim.

As he was done with his weird, tiny cleaning session, he just awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, playing with his fingers, eyes donwcasted.

That was, when I decided, to do something against it. So I stood up and walked over to him, voicing out his name as gently as possible.

And now, here we were.

Him in my arms, where he belonged til the end of all times.

Held tightly by me, while he cried.

How I wished to replace his sadness with pure happiness, sunny days and laughter till the end of times. The end of our times.

But I knew, that life was a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs, and that we had to take it as it comes.

The only important thing was, that we made sure, that it would go up again.

"Hush honey. It's fine. We will talk it out, right? There is nothing like us. There is nothing that could part us. Forever together, remember?" I grinned and quickly kissed his forehead, just to tug his head back into the crook of my neck while he clung onto me like he was drowning.