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Seokjin's POV:

"Is everyone awake? Where is Yoongi? And where the heck is Jimin?" I shouted through the house, that was our home for a few years now.

It grew older and different as the people in it matured to decent humans... or not. Forget the last part.

"I bet Yoongi-hyung is still sleeping" Hoseok laughed, shoveling another spoon of his cereal – the same since I know him – into his wide opened mouth and chewing contented, as he threw a smile over the table to Taehyung, who desperately tried to read all the pages of the book he needed to study until today.

He started learning too late.

And I and Namjoon were prepared for the next below average grade of this troublemaker, that currently forgot to close his mouth, his toast threatening to fall back on the plate, while his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

I sighed and walked up to him, pushing his jaw up, at least sparing us the disgusting look of half-chewed food.

"Then someone goes and wake him up!" Namjoon sighed and lowered the newspaper he was reading.

"Dips for not doing it!" Hoseok piped up and touched his nose with his index finger, spoon falling back in the cereal bowl, milk splattering everywhere, creating another mess.

No matter how old these boys would be, they would always be mess-creating geniuses.

"Sorry, Appa Jin" Hoseok sheepishly smiled up at me, as I glared at him, towel already in my hands, ready to force him to clean up the milk and bits of cereals he spilled over the kitchen table.

"Dips!" Jungkook stated, after swallowing down the last grape and then smiled over to Taehyung who still was hunched over the book, trying his hardest to speed read.

"Tae has the honor to wake hyung up!" Hoseok proudly stated and Tae confusedly looked up from his book, now more question marks dancing around his head.

"Tae is studying. Jungkook come on, wake Yoongs up" Namjoon called out and Jungkook huffed.

"Dad! That's not fair! It's always me! And you know how grumpy and dangerous Yoongi is, especially in the mornings", our youngest whined and I rolled my eyes, but secretly I didn't envy him.

There was a good reason, why Namjoon and I used our power as parents, to command one of our kids to wake the oldest up.

Everyone safes himself.

This was the Titanic principle.

A very important rule, you need to learn, to survive in this household.

"Jungkook, do as I said" Namjoon growled and Kooks shoulders sank in and he grew smaller than the eleven-year-old he was.

"This is totally unfair! One day I will sue you for countless attempted murders!" he complained, stomping out of the kitchen and running up the stairs.

Namjoon and I just shared a look, that told us both, that we, indeed, were so done with all of this.

Out kids learned from each other.

And what they learned, wasn't very pleasant for a parent.

They were sassy, witty and asked the right questions.

Questions, we really didn't want to answer.

Sometimes I wished, we could turn back time and they would still be the tiny, but cute troublemakers they were.