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Yoongi's POV:

Utter chaos.

That was what it was.

Utter chaos.

Nothing else could describe this disaster that was unfolding right in front of my eyes.

There were suitcases half opened and piles of clothing decorating the hard-wooden floor, while single, lonely shoes were carelessly thrown in the far corner.

Appa Jin's face was as red as a tomato, while he tried to keep calm and organize the whole mess.

I was sitting on the couch, seemingly unbothered, folding my laundry neatly and stacking it into my suitcase, while I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing.

Not far from me, were Appa Joon and Jungkookie engulfed in a heated discussion.

"You cant only bring white shirts, Jungkook!" Appa Joon said, ruffling his hair and I could see that it costed him at least half of his soul to remain calm and collected. His hands were burrowed deep into his dark locks, trying to ease the forming headache, that only got intensified as Jungkook stretched out his chin and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Why not?", he asked cockily, tapping with his left index finger on his bizeps.

"Because it is inconvenient! It attracts stains from everywhere and we all know you are most likely the one to make huge messes.", Appa Joon tried arguing.

Yeah, Jungkook partnered up with a Ketchup-bottle was a real nightmare. At least for every stain remover and washing machine.

"But my white shirts fit for every occasion and to every pair of pants I got. They are highly useful and prevent fashion mistakes. Appa Jin will be so thankful" he replied, sounding like a total brat. And still, it all was so funny to me.

I had to cover up the snort I was about to let out with a weirdly sounding cough, that earned me a confused glance from Hoseok, who was set on duty to collect all the single shoes and reunite it with its matching partner.

Hoseok joked earlier about being cupid and the perfect matchmaker, bringing the shoes back together on cloud nine. He was as stupid as the rest of my younger brothers.

"I don't care! You won't only bring white shirts!" Appa Joon now exclaimed, trying to finish up the discussion with his final words.

"Oh watch me! I can and I will!" Jungkook accepted the challenge.

"No you won't!" Appa Joon now half yelled back, so done with his youngest son.

"Yes, I will. What could you do against it anyways?" he provoked him and then I saw it. The dangerous glint in Appa Joon's eyes that Kook apparently missed.

"Oh, I will make sure to burn them all and put your Timberlands on top of it. We will have a nice and warm campfire and roast the wieners for our hotdogs over it. Maybe some Marshmellows for smores too, who knows?" he promised with a deep voice and I saw Jungkook's adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard.

"Appa! You can't do that. You would burn your own money! And my Christmas present!" he whined and Appa Joon stared deeply in his eyes, while he crossed his arms in front of his chest now.

"I can and I will! You can pack two white shirts and that's it!" he spoke and finally Jungkookie gave in, looking defeated and pouty.

Poor baby.

On the other side of the room, Appa Jin tried his best to organize other things. Like selecting the clothes he would take with him.

"Jimin, honey, don't forget your swimming trunks" he said, as Jimin came downstairs with a pile of clothes.