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Namjoon's POV:

"Coffee?" Jin's voice echoed from the kitchen into the living room, letting a smile bloom on my face.

"Coffee.", I answered, leaning back on the cushions of the couch, located in the semi-clean living room, closing my eyes, to ignore the rest of the chaos, that still reminded of the party.

What I can't see, can't upset me, right?

If live would only always stay so easy. If I only could hold onto the beliefs of little kids.

That was Tae's trademark. Every time he and his brothers played hide and seek, he just stood in the middle of the room, both hands tightly pressed to his eyes, puffed out cheeks, that turned red from the exhausting task to hold his breath as long as possible.

That was his way of hiding.

And he believed for a long time, that, if he couldn't see anything, nobody could see him.

It was cute.

Hoseok and Yoongi then ruined it, because they, obviously, found Tae always the first. Both of them were refusing to play along with the toddlers antics, because they took the whole game too seriously.

Winning was everything.

No mercy shown.

Not even for cute, innocent, little Tae Taes, that got all sad as soon as he was discovered again.

I felt Jin's presence, before the cushions dipped down beside me and I blinked against the raising sunlight, that illuminated the whole living room now, proudly pointing out those dirty and sticky spots.

Graceful, I took the second cup full of steaming hot coffee out of Jin's clutches and wrapped my own hands around it.

Carefully I sat up, trying to cool the black liquid down, by softly blowing the steam away.

Jin sat his red polka-dot cup down on the table, looking at me, until his eyes got glued on my hands.

Confused, I looked down and saw, that my veins were popping out.

With uttermost care and very slowly, he stretched out his middle and index finger, following the blue lines under my skin.

His simple touch and the way he was lost in the sight sent shivers down my spine.

It was so caring, as if I was precious to him. Too precious to even explain with words.

And there we sat.

He caught up in the maze of my veins, caressing my skin, while I stared at his focused eyes, not able to avert my gaze.

His brown orbs were full of concentration, as if he tried to remember the way of rivers that met in the ocean of my heart, as if he tried to remember every single detail.

"Jinnie" I whispered, being too afraid to speak in a normal voice. I feared, that it would ruin the atmosphere that was waving around us.

"Joon", his lips spread into a beautiful, dazzling smile, while his beautiful sparkling eyes dived out of the trance he was caught in, focusing on me now.

Our gazes locked, and I could read simple yet so powerful love in his.

I now held the cup with only one hand, the other one busying itself to intertwine our fingers into a beautiful pattern.

A pattern, only we could create.

My significant other lowered his gaze again, looking at our hands, smile not faltering a bit. His thumb was slowly grazing over the back of my hand.

NAMJIN - FAMILY AFFAIRS. SEQUEL TO FAMILY MATTERS.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora