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Yoongi's POV:

"We need a good damn plan, right now!" I exaggeratedly stated, throwing my hands in the air, after Jungkook finally checked if Felix was still alive.

Currently, we were 3:2, that he was still alive and fine.


We all checked, after Jungkook exclaimed, that he thinks, the guy is dead.

Jimin, Tae and me were dead on sure, that we heard his heartbeat and felt his breath.

Hoseok shouted, that he couldn't feel anything, and that we had to get rid of the corpse. Scaring the fuck out of poor Kookie, who, by now sat in the far corner, curled up in a ball and for once acting like the baby he was.

"I know!" Hoseok sighed loudly, throwing his body over the bathroom floor. Yes, we were still hiding from the reality, that was trashing our house.

"Don't just state my fact right and come up with solutions! We need a plan, and we need it fast!" I panicked and pulled on my dark hair, ready to tear it out of its roots.

Maybe some fresh air would reach my brain and would give me some actual ideas.

Stupid, I know.

"I still cant believe Appas are so cruel and leave us alone to deal with it!" Taehyung voiced out, staring up in the mirror.

"I swear, if I find the parenting book, who suggested to let your kids deal with the shit they caused on their own, I will tear out every single side with my own bare hands. I will slaughter that book and then give it to the flames. The devil shall deal with it." Hoseok sighed and I slapped his thigh, not up for his dramatic rambling.

I wanted solutions. Any solutions, and not some weird nonsense spitting by Hoseok, who was planning out his revenge on a book that might or might not exist.

"think!" I ordered and he sighed, swatting my hand away from his leg, starting to rub it, while pouting big time.

And here we are and have the audacity to say that Tae is the dramatic one in this family.

We surely have to rethink that decision.

"Ideas!" I yelled and stood up, just to be able to pace around the room, stepping over Felix dead or not so dead body, and the sprawled out limbs of my brothers.

"Let Jimin come up with one. He is the smart one" Tae groaned and laid his head on the brim of the bathtub.

"Why has it always to be me?" Jimin whined and I rolled my eyes.

"We need them as fast as possible, so get your poor brains to work for once!" I commanded and Hoseok threw his head further back, just to look at me upside down.

"How about we just throw them out?" he suggested.

"How? Do you have some secret security guard friends? I for sure can't handle strong, drunk people" Tae sassed back, earning an evil glance from Hobi.

"throwing them out isn't a solution, Tae is right, it won't work. But we need to stop them from destroying things. Appas make us pay for it and my ass is to broke to pay anything of it already." I sighed frustrated and stepped over Hoseok, whose eyes followed me on my agitated way through the whole room, like a caged animal.

He sighed and spread his arms from his side, almost reaching Jimin's toes, who was crouched down next to the youngest out of our bunch, trying to calm him down and drawing soothing patterns on his knee-caps.