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Taehyung's POV:

"I can't! I am Appas' favorite kid! If I tell them, they will be disappointed in me and I will lose my hardly earned spot!" Jungkook dramatically stated, while my brothers and I were running up the stairs, fleeing from the crime scene and the emerging chaos.

We fucked up.

We fucked up big time.

"Don't act like a drama queen! That's Tae's job!" Yoongi groaned in annoyance, letting me stop in my tracks, just to turn around and shout an offended "hey!" At him, even though I wasn't offended at all.

It was a fact, that I loved drama. It made life so much more exciting, especially with this bunch of brothers.

"Tae! Keep moving!" Jimin's high-pitched voice piped up in distress, eyes widening in fear.

"Yeah! Taeshit! Move it! You can fight with me about that, once we are safe!" Yoongi exclaimed and I tilted my head, trying to figure out, if the situation was really that serious.

Then we heard something break and loud woo-ing overturning the music.

And I decided, that it, indeed, was that serious and we should disappear. Maybe to the other side of the world, or in the depth of the sea, to live as mermen.

At least somewhere far, far away, where Appas' wouldn't be able to find us. We needed to save our asses.

Because we fucked up.

Big time.

So I gave in to Hobi's pushing in my back and moved forward, fleeing in the bathroom, the only door who was lockable.

I stood at the door, waiting until all five of us were in the room and then slammed the door close, turning the lock three times, just to make sure, while Yoongi turned on the light and Hoseok glid down the tiled wall.

Jimin let himself fall in the bathtub, head hiding behind the shower curtain in a weak attempt to hide.

Jungkook jumped on the sink- counter, letting his feet dangling as he placed his phone beside him.

I sighed and sat on the rink of the bathtub.

"Fuck!" Hoseok then yelled out, gliding more down, until his whole body was sprawled out on the floor and only his head was held up by the wall.

"I told you that it was a fucking stupid idea to do this Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted back, ruffling his hair.

It was indeed a fucking stupid idea, that ran out of hand pretty quickly and would cost us our heads.

"Do you guys think, that we still are able to become ghosts, even if Appas' will behead us?" I asked, totally serious about that question.

I still wanted to spook the world properly. And our heads would be gone for sure after this action.

"Silly!" Jungkook snorted. "Of course we will be able! Just think of the beheaded Nick from Harry Potter" he explained and I couldn't believe him.

"He isn't fully beheaded! His head still hangs on a tiny string! Get your facts right!" I scolded him, suddenly really worried about my future as a ghost.

"Oh! Fuck! You are right!" Jungkook looked at me with big, frightened eyes.

"Dumbfucks!" Hoseok sighed, rubbing his hand over his face "He always talks about that beheaded race, I mean the headless Nick. So, of course, there exist ghosts spooking around without their heads! But that's not the problem now! We should focus on how to get out of this dilemma, alive and kicking, for fuck's sake!" he said, letting me sigh in relieve.