Chapter 34

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to you!

Harry turned around and looked up to see Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam stand in front of the living room couch he had fallen asleep on. Niall held a tray with a small cake that had two candles on it. The candles were a 2 and 1, since he was turning 21, and both of the candles were in a green color. Harry yawned as he pulled himself up a bit. He sat on the edge with his feet on the floor and the other boys took a seat on the couch as well. Louis sat on Harry's left side between Harry and Zayn while Niall sat on the right side between Harry and Liam. Harry blew out the candles and leaned his head on Louis' shoulder while Liam placed five plates on the couch-table as Niall started to cut the chocolate cake into pieces. It felt a bit weird to not wake up in his own bedroom on his birthday and that it was these four boys singing to him instead of his mother and sister. But it also felt so nice to begin the day with his best friend and his boyfriend, and his two new friends.

After they ate the cake, Liam and Zayn took out the dishes to the kitchen while Louis went upstairs. Niall and Harry stayed on the couch, Harry who was still tired after Louis' release-party the night before leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. Niall sat next to him with his phone in his hand.

"Could this be the mysterious man that's been around Louis Tomlinson for the past month, or even months?

Harry turned his face more towards Niall who read that sentence out loud in a slightly dramatic voice as he leaned his head on the backrest of the couch and opened his eyes. He gave Niall a weird look.

"Huh?" Harry asked and Niall finally looked at him.

"I'm reading an article." Niall answered before he looked back at his phone.

"Well, what does it say?" Harry asked and lifted his head.

"Oh my god!" Niall exclaimed instead of answering and turned the screen to Harry who automatically opened his mouth as he looked at a picture in the middle of the article.

"Oh my god!" Niall exclaimed instead of answering and turned the screen to Harry who automatically opened his mouth as he looked at a picture in the middle of the article

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At this point both Liam and Zayn entered the room and looked at the two boys on the couch.

"Why are you guys looking like that?" Zayn asked as he took a seat on the couch with Liam following. Niall showed the picture to them and Liam snatched the phone from Niall.

"When is this?" Zayn asked as he leaned over Liam's shoulder to see the picture.

"Yesterday." Both Liam and Harry answered at the same time.

"What's going on?" Louis asked as he entered the room. All four of them looked up at Louis as he got closer and took a seat next to Harry again. Liam handed the phone to Louis.

"Oh my fucking god, is this for real?" Louis exclaimed, and it was clear that he was upset. It was stuff like this he had been trying so hard to protect Harry from. He knew that Harry was young and sensitive and new to all of this, he wasn't sure if Harry would be able to handle that kind of pressure he had to deal with himself from the media.

"But it's chill, they don't have a name, Harry is just the 'mysterious man'." Niall said and hoped that would be calming to both Louis and Harry.

"As if no one that knows me would recognize me and give my name..." Harry sighed and looked up at Niall who bit his lip. Louis took a picture of the screen on Niall's phone with his own and sent it to his manager.

Louis: This needs to be taken down or at least contact them and say that they CAN NOT under any circumstances publish his name.

Louis placed his phone on the couch-table with the screen up and looked at Harry. Harry had been sinking down on the couch and played with the cross around his neck. Louis sighed and pulled Harry into his arms and Harry immediately buried his face in the crook of Louis' neck.

Manager: We can't make them take it down, it's a big company. What's his name? Harry Styles?

Louis: It's already out there?!

Manager: Some people have been commenting that name, yes.

Louis: There's gotta be something we can do???

Louis: They have published a picture of a private person without permission, isn't that illegal?

Manager: It's in a public place, Louis, therefore it's not illegal. That the picture is of him and without his permission is only a question of civil matter, which most media just ignores when someone like you is involved.


Both Louis and Harry took on big hoodies as Paul walked them out to the van. Liam, Niall and Zayn had left hours ago and the two boys were going home to Harry's house. It was after all Harry's birthday and they were having dinner with his mother and sister. As the car backed out of Louis' driveway they could see that there was plenty of photographers and reporters yelling and trying to knock on the windows of the van. Luckily the windows were tinted so no one could see into the backseat but they could see out. Despite all the people it didn't take long before Paul pressed the accelerator and speeded away. This time he took a longer way to Harry's house to hopefully shake off the ones that started following them from Louis' house. The longer drive seemed to work since there wasn't anyone there or following them anymore once they arrived in Harry's neighborhood. Louis and Harry got out of the car while Paul drove further down on the street to look for a parking spot since he had to be with them. Once they got inside and was about to walk in to the kitchen Anne came walking and met them in the hallway. She hugged both Louis and Harry. She let her hands on Harry's cheeks as she looked at him. Harry had briefly been texting her about the picture and situation and she had of course seen the picture and people anonymously commenting Harry's real name.

"What's going on, sweetie?" She asked in her calm voice and looked at Harry before she looked at Louis.

"We can go through it at the table with Paul." Louis said and gave her a small smile as he tried to play it off cool.

When in reality he felt so guilty and bad that this was happening to Harry. He knew that Paul was the best bodyguard and he would never let anything happen to either Louis or Harry, but it was so clear that this affected Harry in a bad way even though he tried to cover it up. He was much more quiet and despite that Paul was with them when they were outside he constantly looked over his shoulders.

At the dining table Paul had to be the one who explained it all. Everything from how they would do their best to keep Harry's identity and normal life out of media to how he had to be near Harry whenever he went out, just in case something would happen. They were even going to get someone who could be near the restaurant when Harry had to work. Harry insisted that he wouldn't keep himself away from Louis to avoid being seen again. 

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