Chapter 5

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Louis' reply to his comment made him go back to overthinking. Harry definitely didn't like this. He knew it would only lead to unrealistic and illogical thoughts that basically was bullshit but he couldn't help himself. He was almost sure that the comment didn't mean anything. Louis probably didn't even know who Harry was and he probably just replied to as many comments as possible. And the wink-face didn't necessarily mean that he was flirting. Louis were in a relationship and had been for years now. But the fact that Harry had such a huge crush on him gave him false hope, maybe Louis knew exactly who Harry was and was trying to make a move? But most likely not.

Harry walked into the changing room, quickly took off his black-and-white work clothes. He took on his black skinny jeans that had holes on his knees, they were supposed to be ripped but he had worn them so much by now. To that he had a light red button-up shirt with dots in a slightly darker shade of red and of course his brown boots that he always had. If he didn't have the black ones that'll say.

This time he had worked an short and early shift, he was done working already by 3pm. He walked out of the restaurant using the backdoor and walked to his car. The restaurant wasn't that far from his house but it'd still take longer to walk than to drive. Since it was Friday and in the middle of the day he knew he'd be home alone for a couple of hours. His mum was working and his sister were going out shopping with some friends since she had a day off of work. Once he got home he walked through the kitchen, grabbed an apple on his way to the living room. He sunk down on the couch, pulling a beige thin blanket over his legs and turned on the tv. He kept switching through the channels with the remote even though he knew there'd only be boring programs on each channel.


Two fingers kept poking his shoulder. He swat the hand away and pulled up the blanket closer to his chin.

"Haz..?" A soft and light voice said repeatedly. It took a couple of seconds for him to figure out who it was without opening his eyes.

"What do you want?!" He muttered, now knowing it was Gemma. His voice was hoarse and deeper than usual since he just woke up.

"I've got friends over, just wanted to see if you wanted to join us?" She asked. He groaned and turned so he was laying on his back and sighed annoyed.

"No, why would I hang out with your stupid friends?" He muttered again and this time he didn't hear Gemma's voice in response. He heard a chuckle that he always would be able to recognize. He slowly turned his head to look next to him. He saw three people standing there looking down at him and he froze as he saw the face belonging to the chuckle. What the actual fuck? Was he still dreaming? Or was Louis fucking Tomlinson standing in his living room looking at him as he slept? Harry could feel his jaw drop and Gemma started laughing.

"Close your mouth and get your lazy ass up from the couch. We'll be outside on the balcony when you change your mind." She said and with that all three of them left. Harry sat up straight on the couch rubbing his eyes and yawned. He reached down to his pocket and brought up his phone. 7.48pm. How long had he been sleeping? He had two missed calls and three new text messages, all from Niall. He opened them as he started walking out to the kitchen to get some water.

Nialler: Hiii, wanna hang out tonight?

Nialler: What are you doing??

Nialler: Are you fucking or something?😂 Answer me, stupid!!!!

Hazza: Sorry I fell asleep. Still wanna hang out??

Nialler: I'd love to but you were too slow. I can't hang anymore, mom brought me to granny instead.

Hazza: Oh alright.. maybe tomorrow?

Nialler: Sure, if you learn how to pick up the damn phone!😜

He took a sip of his water as he placed the phone back in the front pocket of his jeans and walked out to the balcony. Yep, there he was. Louis sat on a chair on one side of the round little table smoking a cigarette. Diagonally away from him sat Eleanor and to her left were Gemma. There was only one place left to sit. Between Gemma and Louis... Right before walking out on the balcony he quickly fixed his messy hair in the mirror that hung on the wall then took a deep breath and walked out. Gemma smiled as she saw her little brother entering but she didn't have the chance to tell him where to sit before he already sat down, slightly turning more towards Gemma. At first it went good. Harry didn't even think about the fact that he was sitting next to Louis, until Louis started talking. Then he was screwed. He wanted to play it cool, act like he didn't really care about Louis that much but at the same time he couldn't help himself. He caught himself staring at Louis almost hypnotized, more than just a couple of times. But he looked so good. With his piercing blue eyes that ever so often got in contact with Harry's green eyes. And his brown hair and that was side parted that he fixed from time to time as some strings of hair kept falling in his eyes. And his nude pink lips that looked so soft. And his facial hair, oh god, he couldn't even find words on how hot that was. And his bare, tanned arms that looked so muscular every time he flexed his elbows. And the way he got small wrinkles in the corner of his eyes every time he smiled or laughed. Not to forget his calm and delightful voice that sounded just like an angels voice.

"Harry!" He shook his head as he woke up from his spinning mind and looked confused as he turned his head towards his sister.

"Could you make some more drinks?" She asked, talking slower than usual as if Harry wouldn't understand otherwise.

"Uh, sure, how many?" He said, still a little confused and stood up from his chair.

"We're four people here." She laughed and that made Harry blush. Of course, he knew that. He walked inside and straight to the kitchen. He brought four glasses out of the counter and started pouring different liquids in the glasses. He walked over to the fridge and brought out some orange juice and as he closed the fridge he jumped a bit and gasped.

"Jesus christ, you scared me!" He giggled and walked back to the counter.

"I could tell." Louis chuckled and looked at Harry while he mixed the drinks.

"You looking for something?" Harry asked only then he took his eyes off of what he was doing to look at Louis who had came closer.

"You." He said with a low voice and a straight face causing Harry to choke on air. All kinds of thoughts and scenarios went through his mind in just a few seconds. Louis was looking for him? Just then Louis smirked and chuckled again, reaching over to grab two of the glasses.

"Just thought you might need some help taking these out. You've only got two hands." Harry blushed and looked at the floor as Louis turned around to walk back out on the balcony. Harry took the two other glasses and followed him.

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